The True Cost Of A Lack of Motivation

Written by Peter Murphy

Today I want to tell you why you absolutely have to take charge of self-motivation.

And what a lack of motivation means..

As you read this article you will start to understand why a lack of motivation is costing you even more than you realize.

As you readrepparttar story below notice how much you have in common with me...

Growing up I never really had much trouble getting things done. I was told what to do by my parents or by my teachers and I did what was expected of me because it wasrepparttar 129542 easiest choice for me.

Getting punished never appealed to me very much.

Then as I got older and especially when I joinedrepparttar 129543 workforce I could get away with doing less and with leaving things untilrepparttar 129544 deadline approached.

In fact in one company where I worked it made no sense finishing work beforerepparttar 129545 deadlines because management kept movingrepparttar 129546 goal posts.

And very often I worked with people who refused to stretch themselves. This culture of doing as little as you can and appearing to be productive slowly dragged me down.

Overrepparttar 129547 years as a result of experiences like these I developed bad habits.

One of those habits was a lack of motivation habit.

I can see now how a few bad choices in how I approached work affected all aspects of my life.

The same may be true for you...

What we did overrepparttar 129548 years was create bad habits that need to be given up and replaced with a new way of behaving.

Do you realize what these bad habits have cost you in your life?

1. You missedrepparttar 129549 sense of accomplishment andrepparttar 129550 satisfaction that comes with succeeding on a big scale.

2. You lostrepparttar 129551 respect of your peers and you are excluded fromrepparttar 129552 winners circle.

3. You no longer feel in control of your destiny and in fact you are a victim of circumstance.

4. You earn far less than people of lesser intelligence and ability.

5. You worry aboutrepparttar 129553 future because you fear you may not be able to deal with things.

The Holiday Rule-of-Thumb

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Personal Life and EQ Coach

Here comerepparttar holidays. If you work it right, it can add another full-time job torepparttar 129540 3 or 4 you already have. We can get inrepparttar 129541 mode of being so over-extended, what’s another over-extension? You can get so numb you don’t feel it, or so addicted to adrenalin you feel like something’s missing if you aren’t going a mile a minute, 24/7.


The more introverted you are,repparttar 129542 more taxingrepparttar 129543 holidays are likely to be. Extraverts get their energy from people (often fromrepparttar 129544 willing introvert!) while people drain introverts of energy. It has nothing to do with “liking” people, it has to do withrepparttar 129545 means and mode of relating to people. A party full of strangers, semi-acquaintances and small talk isn’trepparttar 129546 introvert’s cup of tea. (Sitting at home along with a toddy in front ofrepparttar 129547 fireplace listening to Luciano Pavorotti’s Christmas concert is notrepparttar 129548 extravert’s cup of tea!)

Know what you like, what makes you well, and stay there as much as you can.


The holiday rule-of-thumb is about numbers. Actually there are two. The first one is, do about half as much as you’d like to.

I had to remember this myself! I’m planning a Christmas cookie party for my grandchildren and friends, and it’s onrepparttar 129549 same day as “The Nutcracker.” I started to shift times around so we could rush from one torepparttar 129550 other, and then reminded myself ofrepparttar 129551 “half as much” formula. I knowrepparttar 129552 kids would enjoy it more to just hang aroundrepparttar 129553 house afterrepparttar 129554 party and unwind.

Then I paredrepparttar 129555 party itself down. We’ll be baking and decorating cookies and I began with 4 varieties. Now I’m down to just sugar cookies. Instead of movingrepparttar 129556 kids from one type to another, which I know children don’t enjoy (they’re smart and don’t like to be rushed), we’ll just spend our time withrepparttar 129557 sugar cookies and they can work at their own pace.

Is Santa coming? No. Am I putting on a big spread? No. Who do I need to impress? And who will I impress with my company if I’m exhausted? Instead of a huge buffet spread, I’m fixing just a few things.

Then, because I know kids, we’re going to do some dancing. When folks get excited, they need physical exercise for balance. This applies to kids, too (smile). I have a great tape with “The Chicken Dance” and others, and we’ll take a break and have a work out. And no one doesrepparttar 129558 Chicken Dance like I do!


Becauserepparttar 129559 second numbers formula is – your kids will likely benefit from about twice as much time and attention from you, and about half as much of your money spent on them. (This applies to your partner and other loved ones as well.)

If you’re rushing about spending lots of money to buy “things” for your loved ones, and so stressed out you can’t enjoy their company when you’re with them – what’s wrong with this picture? A party’srepparttar 129560 perfect analogy for this. You don’t want to exhaust yourself planning and preparing so that you can’t enjoyrepparttar 129561 people once they get there. Christmas is one big “party” that you want to be able to enjoy, so keep it simple.

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