The Top Five Qualities Of A Successful, and Profitable, Internet Marketing Business!

Written by Vince Romei

Internet Marketing is a very powerful way for everyone to haverepparttar same opportunity in creating a long lasting, and vibrant, home based business.

People from all overrepparttar 119748 world are realizing their money making potential with Internet Marketing techniques such as affiliate marketing, informational products, resell rights, and mlm programs.

And why not? The Internet is still growing by enormous numbers and it's worldwide.

You no longer have to plead and cajole your friends, families, and neighbors into joining your program. Now, you can find hot quality leads, all overrepparttar 119749 world, that are looking for a great opportunity to come their way.

Withrepparttar 119750 sheer numbers of people onlinerepparttar 119751 potential is staggering for anyone who wants to build their Internet Marketing business to well over six figures a year.

Just think aboutrepparttar 119752 name ofrepparttar 119753 business model. 'Internet Marketing'. It means networking. You need to talk with people, meet with people, love people, and serve people in order to build a relationship that means long lasting sales from people all overrepparttar 119754 world.

There are five qualities that everyone can use to build relationships, network, and build enormous downlines for continued prosperity in Internet Marketing.


People will see it instantly. I know of a man was involved with a network marketing company who did a home presentation for vitamin company and out ofrepparttar 119755 ten people there, seven of them signed up that night.

Why? I asked them what motivated them to join his downline after that first presentation. Each one of them said they could sense, and see, his immense passion forrepparttar 119756 product andrepparttar 119757 opportunity.

Have passion forrepparttar 119758 marketing opportunity, or opportunities, you join. Have passion for your products. Have passion forrepparttar 119759 people in your downline, your subscribers, your past customers, and website visitors by helping them succeed, and you'll see enormous growth in both people and profits.


It's a word we don't like to hear, or use, much these days.

But, it's essential to marketing success. A friend of mine said she would not do anything unless she spentrepparttar 119760 first three hours of every day on her business.

After that she would do whatever else she wanted to do that day. But, nine times out of ten, because she was energized byrepparttar 119761 work she accomplished first thing that day, she always came back to her work with more focus on what needed to be accomplished.

Internet marketing is work. And to succeed you need to be disciplined to dorepparttar 119762 work necessary.


Do you really want to succeed? Or are you just playingrepparttar 119763 Internet game to say you tried it?

Networking, -inetworking, What Is The First Rule?

Written by Catherine Franz

Networking onrepparttar Internet isrepparttar 119747 same as networking in person, or is it? Let's take a conversational tour together on this topic.

At an in-person networking event you wouldn't just attend not to network. Or would you? Normally everyone is there for a purpose, even if they haven't totally defined that purpose, they have a vague idea why they are there. Wouldn't that workrepparttar 119748 same for iNetworking? Yep.


Weekly I receive emails and phone calls how someone wants to connect with me in some way.


They have no idea on what. No suggestions, no inklings, no possible thoughts, nada. I'm always baffled when I receive these. I don't have time to educate people because they surely do need it. A few emails even add their web site URL link or suggest that I visit their web site to learn what they do and "figure it out for them."

Forrepparttar 119749 folks reading this, who have done this, and wondered why their email doesn't get a response or gets a quick response of "sounds great" or "you can sell my new product or become my affiliate if you'd like" -- knock, knock, anyone home up there. People have told me that when they receive get these responses back, it confuses them. Talk about confused, how aboutrepparttar 119750 person receiving them.

It's so much easier to either not to write or say what you really mean. Simply, say why you are writing, this is what you do, this is what I do, and here are some possibilities for us. You can even set this up in a signature file in Outlook and make it a quick send.

Everything is a mirror. If you want to iNetwork, state who you are, what you offer, or give clues and ideas of possibilities. Don't placerepparttar 119751 burden onrepparttar 119752 receiver to figure it out.

This brings us to rule number one in iNetworking. Be prepared. Don't berepparttar 119753 one that has a great service or product but doesn't know whorepparttar 119754 gatekeepers are or whorepparttar 119755 buyers and strategic partners are for your products or services. Gatekeepers are people that know more of your buyers, strategic partners are people that you are going to do something joint and temporary with to provide better value for both your customers.

If you went to an in-person networking event you wouldn't forget your business cards, or would you? If you attended an in-person networking event would you not bringrepparttar 119756 flyers for your next workshop, not knowrepparttar 119757 benefits of your product or service, or not know who is your ideal client? If you did, it would be a social event and not a networking event.

The same holds true with iNetworking. Have your business card set up for an easy email send, set a signature file in Outlook or whatever email software you use, have your workshop flyer in pdf (Adobe) format, in an auto responder, designed for a embedded text email and HTML email (embedded means not as an attachment but asrepparttar 119758 email itself). In other words, have allrepparttar 119759 same materials that you would create for an in-person networking event available for delivery viarepparttar 119760 Internet in multiple delivery formats.

Last week I was atrepparttar 119761 Women's Business Center networking breakfast event. A woman stood up and apologized for not having her workshop flyer and business cards. She forgot them onrepparttar 119762 kitchen counter. Not to be unkind, but if this happens, turn your car around and go back home either to getrepparttar 119763 information or do something else more productive. I too have, on occasion during my 20 years in business, left things behind, it only took me once to attend and not haverepparttar 119764 necessary materials and its embarrassment to learn to never do that again.

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