The Top 7 Rules of Power Copywriting!

Written by Wild Bill Montgomery

Here arerepparttar top techniques and tricks that today's best copywriters use. Learn them well, remember them always and use them often!

1) Research, Research, Research.

The biggest difference between good copywriters and great copywriters is research. Before you start writing your copy, dorepparttar 108195 work. Researchrepparttar 108196 product or service. Research your (or your clients) product or service. More importantly though, research and study as many ofrepparttar 108197 competitors as you can find for which realistic time allows. Gather as much data on you product (or service) and your market as possible. After researchingrepparttar 108198 gathered material, ask questions. As you studyrepparttar 108199 material, write downrepparttar 108200 questions you will need answered. Believe me,repparttar 108201 more you research,repparttar 108202 more questions you will have. Ask those questions that you have not yet answered in your mind, about your own product or service, or a clients product or service. There is no such thing as a dumb question.

2) Use Adjectives and Adverbs.

If you are a writer or have ever studied writing, I'm sure that your instructors burned into your mind,repparttar 108203 fact that you need to minimizerepparttar 108204 use of adjectives and adverbs. Well, I'm here to tell you that they are wrong...well at least inrepparttar 108205 copywriting arena that is. You don't offer a service; you offer a Quick, Reliable Service. You don't offer a program; you offer a New, Comprehensive Program Package. Get my drift writer? Evenrepparttar 108206 best of writers have blocks. Do yourself a favor. Always have available on your desk, kitchen table or wherever you work, a good dictionary andrepparttar 108207 best Thesaurus you can find. If you don't have those available (or even if you do), here arerepparttar 108208 best Dictionary & Thesaurus sites onrepparttar 108209 web. Do yourself a favor use them!

OneLook Dictionaries WWWebster Dictionary

3) Use Laser-Like Alignment.

The most successful copywriters know that they must keep their copywriting aligned withrepparttar 108210 market niche. Don't generalize your ad copy. When writing copy, imagine your message as a laser beam. Do you want a tight, focused and powerful beam, or a wider, less concentrated and weaker message? Every business has a niche market, and with all marketing functions, your ad copy should be aligned with that niche. The moral ofrepparttar 108211 story; don't try to please everybody!

4) One Testimonial is Worth a Thousand Words.

If you want more ad-punching power in your ad copy try using well-written testimonials. I know many copywriters may be lacking a little in using this technique. Many others will only use them when they are handed to them on a silver platter. Don't wait for one to fall out ofrepparttar 108212 sky, ask for them. Don't attempt fabricating them or asking customers to fabricate them. Make it clear when asking that you want it to come fromrepparttar 108213 heart, good or bad. No rule says you need to userepparttar 108214 bad ones. Don't underestimaterepparttar 108215 power of a happy client. Nothing you can write will be as genuinely sincere asrepparttar 108216 praise ofrepparttar 108217 satisfied customer.

Revealed: The $12,500 Copywriting Formula

Written by Sopan Greene

Have you heard of Brian Keith Voiles? Probably not, but if you have eyes you've seen his ad campaigns and you probably even bought products that he created ad campaigns for. Would you like to haverepparttar formula he gets paid $12,500 to put into use for Fortune 500 Companies?

Well then, today's your lucky day, isn't it? If you follow this formula whenever you write a sales letter or an ad you'll see how well it increases your success. Remember thatrepparttar 108194 key to writing a sales letter is thatrepparttar 108195 job of every paragraph is to makerepparttar 108196 reader want to readrepparttar 108197 next paragraph.

Use this as a skeleton when you write ads and then go back through your ad to make sure you've covered all nine points inrepparttar 108198 right order.

1. ATTENTION - Write a headline that GRABS your reader. Fear or curiosity are good places to start. For example: "Ex-Truck Driver Makes $21,815 a Month Doing What You're Not"

2. INTEREST - Listrepparttar 108199 benefits of your product or service. Acknowledge their problem while showing you haverepparttar 108200 solution. Show that you've been where they are and you can help them.

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