The Top 10 Tips for Leveraging Conference Attendance

Written by Bea Fields

As I am preparing for my attendance to CoachVille's Third Annual Coaching Conference I have been considering how I can makerepparttar most of my conference attendance. These ten tips will support you in leveraging those conference you will attend inrepparttar 120517 future and for creating an unforgettable experience!

1. Connect, connect, connect!

Some ofrepparttar 120518 most valuable time spent at a conference can berepparttar 120519 time you spend in conversation with others outside ofrepparttar 120520 speaker presentations/breakout sessions. Make a commitment to schedule one breakfast and one lunch meeting each day with someone you want to get to know, and make a plan to connect with these men and women followingrepparttar 120521 closing ofrepparttar 120522 conference.

2. Volunteer!

One ofrepparttar 120523 best ways to get to know others both inside and outside of your industry is to volunteer 1 hour each day forrepparttar 120524 conference production team. This time can create a sense of connection and a feeling of self confidence and accomplishment for both you andrepparttar 120525 conference team.

3. Host an Open House.

Atrepparttar 120526 end ofrepparttar 120527 day, most conference goers are ready for a little rest and relaxtion. Rent a small room insiderepparttar 120528 conference center, or ifrepparttar 120529 conference is being hosted inside a hotel, open your hotel room for a small late afternoon tea or early evening cocktail party. Invite everyone you see, and have a blast!

4. Ask Great Questions!

Make your conference experience engaging and memorable by makingrepparttar 120530 most of this opportunity to learn. Spend time talking torepparttar 120531 speakers, book authors, vendors, and those you are meeting, and ask, ask, ask. Request recommendations for books, resources, or contact names which will supportrepparttar 120532 growth of your business. Talk to others about new directions developing in your field and find out about emerging leaders who you may want to partner with inrepparttar 120533 future. By becoming an active participant, you will be surprised at all that you learn and how your life will be enhanced.

5. Scout for Talent.

Are you looking for a new business partner, employee, product developer, or author for your business? If so, spend time talking to folks to find out as much as possible about their talents, gifts, and strengths. Keep a little black book or palm pilot with you in order to capture important details about people you may want to contact inrepparttar 120534 future for a special project or event.

6. Attendrepparttar 120535 Conference on Behalf of Your Clients.

For clients who are too busy to attend a conference, you can offer to attend a conference in their place. You will want to haverepparttar 120536 company pick uprepparttar 120537 cost for attendingrepparttar 120538 conference, and it is a great time to market for your client and to market your services atrepparttar 120539 same time. Keep detailed notes duringrepparttar 120540 conference, and collect product information which you feel will benefitrepparttar 120541 lives of your clients. This is a wonderful way to add value for your clients/customers.

Ageless Marketing Secret Revealed

Written by Jorge M. Vega

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TITLE: Secret Ageless Marketing Secret Revealed AUTHOR: Jorge M. Vega CONTACT EMAIL:


COPYRIGHT: ©2004 by Jorge M. Vega All rights reserved

WORD COUNT: 1730 FORMAT: This article is formatted to 60cpl. --------------------------------------------------------------

The key to transforming your website into a serious income generator that consistently converts visitors into cash customers is right in front of your nose. Without beating aroundrepparttar 120517 bush,repparttar 120518 often overlooked secret ingredient is, quite simply, to pay very close attention torepparttar 120519 proper use of language on your site. As a professional marketer, you can't afford to undermine your own image, or tarnish your good reputation, by using imperfect ad copy anywhere on your website.

It's plain and simple, words sell!

You have to choose them wisely -- and "package" them correctly. They'rerepparttar 120520 only vehicle you really have for makingrepparttar 120521 sale. Everything else is just fluff along forrepparttar 120522 ride.

Recognizingrepparttar 120523 importance of this key ingredient, which costs you nothing, and taking appropriate action as suggested below, will set you apart fromrepparttar 120524 millions of other webmasters who are just spinning their wheels...and making no sales!

Negligence on your part in this department, onrepparttar 120525 other hand, will cast all your marketing efforts into an uncontrolled tailspin, and turn your visitors away faster than if you stood before them wearing a big sign around your neck reading: "Danger - Infected With Contagious Disease"

This key ingredient is allrepparttar 120526 more critical onrepparttar 120527 Internet because it is, and I think we can all agree, a text driven medium: words are its fundamental building materials.


Allrepparttar 120528 fancy pictures inrepparttar 120529 world, even with justrepparttar 120530 right combination of colors, inrepparttar 120531 most imaginative layout, along withrepparttar 120532 most creative use of pop-up and pop-under windows, cannot help your marketing efforts one iota if you userepparttar 120533 wrong words in an incorrect manner. Meaning, do not expect miracles if, to use common street vernacular, "You're just trying to get over."

These props can only enhance, but never replace, your fundamental written message. Dignified, careful use ofrepparttar 120534 English language is a prerequisite to successful online marketing. But, many marketers are blatantly disregarding many, if not most, ofrepparttar 120535 basic rules of English usage. Sad, but true, just about everywhere you look online,repparttar 120536 English language is suffering a fate worse than death.

Now, please note, I'm not suggesting that before you design your website you'll need a Ph.D. in English literature, or be a noted, prize winning author. But, what I am suggesting is that you should be as careful as you possibly can withrepparttar 120537 contents of your website if you wish to attain recognition as a professional marketer. A professional marketer makes every effort to show his/her target audience that their approval, and their respect, are valued.

A shabbily written website conveys justrepparttar 120538 opposite sentiment. In fact, poor grammar, sloppy punctuation, and misspelled words galore tellrepparttar 120539 reader that they are not worthy of your very best effort; you are saying, "Here'srepparttar 120540 best I could muster underrepparttar 120541 circumstances. Take it, or leave it. Pay merepparttar 120542 $29.95 onrepparttar 120543 way out for taking a look." How inconsiderate!

Of course, this is not to suggest that all, or even most, sites are carelessly and sloppily contrived. Quite obviously, most webmasters invest a great deal of attention in all aspects of their creation. And, let's face it, web design is a creative process.


At one end ofrepparttar 120544 spectrum, there are enough 'bad pennies' around to keep any surfer busy for hours rinsing outrepparttar 120545 bad taste from their mouths after a visit.

Atrepparttar 120546 extreme end ofrepparttar 120547 same category, encounters with sites whererepparttar 120548 choice of vocabulary is not inrepparttar 120549 best of taste, where reasonable attention to grammar and spelling have been grossly disregarded, and where simple English been battered beyond recognition, may leave an uprepared visitor with permanent, debilitating, psychological damage, such as a hard to diagnose speech impediment, or maybe an involuntary nervous twitch across one cheek.

In my personal case, after so many chance meetings with disastrous, unacceptable sites, I'm left with a uncontrollable, drooping eyelid over my left eye which makes Bank tellers stir nervously whenever I announce a withdrawal. : )

Sites that have been compiled irresponsibly indicate a questionable professional intent by their owners, and a lack of interest in putting forth their best effort. Not only would I not buy anything from them, but you can bet your bottom penny that I'll never revisit.


Atrepparttar 120550 opposite end ofrepparttar 120551 spectrum, amongrepparttar 120552 most professionally done websites I have visited are those belonging to Corey Rudl (this is not a plug,repparttar 120553 man makes enough money without my help.)

Obviously, his sites are carefully reviewed for grammatical errors, punctuation is exemplary, spelling mistakes are usually nonexistent; they're, all in all, a clean, crisp, professional rendering - truly worthy of their creator's pride.

Two other marketers whose websites are a joy to visit, given their fastidious attention torepparttar 120554 proper use of language - inrepparttar 120555 manner described throughout this article - are Bryan Winters, of, and Chris Carpenter, of Again, as inrepparttar 120556 case cited above, both these gentlemen care enough aboutrepparttar 120557 impression they make on prospective customers to always "put their best foot forward."

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