The Top 10 E-Commerce Ways to Follow up with Clients - Part 2

Written by Judy Cullins

The Top 10 E-Commerce Ways to Follow up with Clients - Part 2 Judy Cullins ©2004 All Rights Reserved.

Did you know that 80% of all sales are made afterrepparttar 5th contact?

The biggest mistake we make is not following up with our clients regularly. We not only loserepparttar 108829 chance to offer other services and products, we loserepparttar 108830 chance for satisfied clients' referrals.

Building your practice needs consistent bi-monthly follow-ups.

If you think this takes too much time, follow my lead and delegate some of it where you will spend only 6-8 hours a week. Remember, only marketing and promotion builds income and business,repparttar 108831 rest are expenses.

Part one of this article is available at

Here'srepparttar 108832 top ten ways:

6. Follow up in two steps.

Inrepparttar 108833 first ecommerce follow up, give a fre.e report adding your sparkling signature file as a soft sales piece. In a week, follow this up with your offer. Refer torepparttar 108834 report, and then make your one irresistible offer. If I sent a report on what web sites need before contacting a web master, I follow it up withrepparttar 108835 three-session "telecoaching" program on writing a web site with marketing pizzazz.

One personal coach offered an excerpt from her new bookrepparttar 108836 first time, and followed up with a discount offer forrepparttar 108837 book.

7. Motivate yourself and your staff with a poster of each month's follow up promotions.

It's great to see your follow up progress. Your promotions can be small or large. You know your' re going to attract new clients because you put out messages that keep you in your audience's minds.

Withrepparttar 108838 help of your assistant, in just two hours, you can send out PR to local papers on a seminar, update email addresses, send an article torepparttar 108839 top ten, finish an interview and send to no spam ezines, email your new content to your Web master, and send out new proposals for talks to different organizations.

When you notice these 10-20 actions you take each month, you'll also notice new clients coming each month.

8. Offer teleclasses to attract past, present and new clients.

A good first teleclass can be a question and answer call. Once you survey your groups and discoverrepparttar 108840 top 4-8 questions they want answered, include this information in your teleclass sales letter. Two schools of thought on this--a free 1-hour or a small charge forrepparttar 108841 first. Without some risk such as $15-$20, you may only attract lookie loos.

The Top 10 E-Commerce Ways to Follow up with Clients - Part 1

Written by Judy Cullins

The Top 10 E-Commerce Ways to Follow up with Clients - Part 1 Judy Cullins ©2004 All Rights Reserved.

Did you know that 80% of all sales are made afterrepparttar 5th contact?

The biggest mistake we make is not following up with our clients regularly. We not only loserepparttar 108828 chance to offer other services and products, we loserepparttar 108829 chance for satisfied clients' referrals.

Building your practice needs consistent bi-monthly follow-ups.

If you think this takes too much time, follow my lead and delegate some of it where you will spend only 6-8 hours a week. Remember, only marketing and promotion builds income and business,repparttar 108830 rest are expenses.

Here'srepparttar 108831 top ten ways:

1. Keep track of every one who contacts you, in person or by email about coaching or other service.

Treat email addresses like gold. These are already qualified, targeted future clients. Copy and paste their email note, date, and question into Textpad or notepad underrepparttar 108832 name "potential clients." Print it out and keep in a hard file namedrepparttar 108833 same.

2. Don't throw away email addresses.

When someone connects with you, copy and paste their address into your computer folder called "eLists." Placerepparttar 108834 address where you think it belongs. Name one file "potential clients." If they are past clients, create another list and call it "past clients." If present clients, make a file for them too. Categorized into groups, you can personalize your note to each one. Every month you'll want contact one of these groups and offer them something special.

3. Keep track of your ezine subscribers' emails separately.

While you may use a company to send out your ezine, you may also want to have that list handy in your own office. My assistant uses shareware program to manage all of my different email lists. Since I only send out my ezine on book coaching and business tip monthly, I follow up in between with a thank you or special offer. It takes less than 3 minutes to send out through text pad.

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