The Tools of the Trade

Written by Sumantra Roy

Before you start optimizing your site forrepparttar search engines, you would need to arm yourself with some tools to help you. What follows is a brief review of 4 software programs that we find invaluable when we are optimizing our clients' sites.

Wordtracker: The first and most important step in any search engine positioning campaign is identifyingrepparttar 128099 keywords for which you should optimize your site. WordTracker's keyword research service isrepparttar 128100 only one onrepparttar 128101 Internet that will provide a comprehensive and powerful database ofrepparttar 128102 most popular keywords in your industry. It has features that all other keyword research tools lack - for instance, it will help you identify related keywords that you would otherwise never have thought of, it differentiates between singular and plural keywords and tells you which version is more popular, it helps you identify popular mis-spelled keywords (which generally have very little competition) in your industry etc. It has a free trial version which will help you identify a few keywords. However, we recommend that you subscribe to its paid service as otherwise, you will not be able to discover quite a few keywords that can turn out to be extremely valuable to you. You can find more information on WordTracker at

Optilink: Link popularity has quickly become one ofrepparttar 128103 most important factors that influence your rankings inrepparttar 128104 search engines. What is important is not onlyrepparttar 128105 number of sites linking to you, butrepparttar 128106 quality and relevancy ofrepparttar 128107 sites that are linking to you. If you are trying to improverepparttar 128108 link popularity of your site, until now, there has been no easy way of checkingrepparttar 128109 quality and relevancy of sites that are linking to you orrepparttar 128110 quality and relevancy of sites that you are thinking of asking for links from. You could have done it manually, but it would take a tremendous amount of time. However, a new software product called Optilink automates this process to a large extent. In addition to doing an excellent job in helping you determinerepparttar 128111 quality of sites that already link to you or might link to you, it also doesrepparttar 128112 following:

i) analyzesrepparttar 128113 link structures of your top ranking competitors and tells you why they rank well, so that you can emulaterepparttar 128114 same tactics that your top ranking competitors are using.

ii) allows you to do "what if" analysis - it tells you what sort of rankings you can expect if you adopt a particular linking strategy.

iii) monitorrepparttar 128115 sites that you have exchanged links with to ensure that they are still linking to you and are linking to yourepparttar 128116 way you want them to.

What is your real goal: web positioning with top results or the ability to attract more qualified traffic to your website?

Written by Fernando Macia

If placing your website withinrepparttar top search engine results, entering certain keywords in Google, Yahoo, MSN Search, or Alta Vista, has become your daily obsession, stop for a moment and reflect. Is achieving top search results with selected keywordsrepparttar 128098 real objective, or, is it perhaps developing a means for connecting with your potential customers, thus attracting more qualified traffic to your web site, what you are truly after? Besides, what arerepparttar 128099 chances that your prospective clients will key in, exactly, those keywords that you chose in, precisely, those same search engines that you have targeted to locate your website withinrepparttar 128100 first page of results?

Now thatrepparttar 128101 majority of website administrators have finally accepted that online marketing applying search engine technology isrepparttar 128102 most efficient strategy inrepparttar 128103 long term for capturing qualified Internet traffic, companies that offer web optimization and search engine submission services have started launching aggressive campaigns guaranteeing top positions for their clients by using a limited number of keywords (typically five, ten, or fifteen), regardless of their websites’ business domain. This approach should immediately raise doubts as it is obviously much easier to position a website dedicated, for example, torepparttar 128104 dissection of butterflies, that probably enjoys very little competition, than positioning a website dedicated to real estate operating in an extremely crowded market. Therefore, one must always carefully weigh inrepparttar 128105 promises made by these web-positioning firms since two different scenarios could occur:

- In order to achieverepparttar 128106 promised top search results, a web-positioning company may be forced to choose keywords that are so exclusive and specific that even if your website surfaces amongrepparttar 128107 first few spots,repparttar 128108 chances of a prospective client typing those exact keywords is extremely remote. - Onrepparttar 128109 other hand, a client may demand fromrepparttar 128110 web-positioning companyrepparttar 128111 utilization of keywords that are so generic and belong to such a highly competitive business domain thatrepparttar 128112 web-positioning company is unable to realize their promises even after applying allrepparttar 128113 proper techniques correctly.

This raisesrepparttar 128114 question of whetherrepparttar 128115 mechanisms currently employed for determiningrepparttar 128116 success or failure of a web positioning strategy are adequate, or, perhaps, better alternatives exist. In most cases, web-positioning companies justify their success by providing periodic web positioning reports to their clients. These automatically generated reports showrepparttar 128117 positions achieved by each ofrepparttar 128118 selected keywords with every search engine targeted. Software programs repeatedly launch queries once a week, or once a month, with each ofrepparttar 128119 search concepts using allrepparttar 128120 search engines selected, capturingrepparttar 128121 results and presenting them in weekly or monthly reports. The customers review these reports and apply their information asrepparttar 128122 only basis for determiningrepparttar 128123 level of success, which brings us back torepparttar 128124 original question: Is achieving a good positioningrepparttar 128125 real objective, or is it using web positioning as just another means for obtaining more qualified trafficrepparttar 128126 intended goal?

From my perspective, attracting qualified Internet traffic should berepparttar 128127 ultimate goal of any online marketing strategy, from web positioning to online advertising, including email strategies, permission marketing, or pay-per-click campaigns. That is why marketing professionals should be using web traffic reports asrepparttar 128128 true indicators of their online marketing success, as opposed to relying solely onrepparttar 128129 information provided by web positioning reports. Even though these latter reports can offer a good indication of where a website would appear if certain keywords were used in a search engine,repparttar 128130 cornerstone for determining how well a website is actually performing comes from analyzingrepparttar 128131 real-time statistics provided by web traffic reports. Let’s analyze next some ofrepparttar 128132 reasons that make these reports such an invaluable asset.

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