The Time is Now

Written by Eric Plantenberg

The Time is Now As we enterrepparttar holiday season andrepparttar 129339 end ofrepparttar 129340 year approaches, many people find themselves in a time of both reflection and anticipation. They look back atrepparttar 129341 year gone by; evaluating successes and failures and beginningrepparttar 129342 process of determining their focus and goals forrepparttar 129343 upcoming year. While I am a strong proponent of both learning from past experiences and of setting effective goals forrepparttar 129344 future, I encourage people to be cautious of losingrepparttar 129345 power ofrepparttar 129346 moment they are in. Many of our students frequently ask “How can I become more effective?” or “How can I improve how I feel throughoutrepparttar 129347 day?” or “How do I remove stress fromrepparttar 129348 situations that I am facing?” I believerepparttar 129349 answers to those questions and most challenges people face can be found by focusing onrepparttar 129350 present moment. All mental fears, whether that is stress, fear of failure, anxiety, worry, doubt, regret or others, result from focusing on events that have already happened (which you no longer have any control to change) or future events that you image to be unpleasant (which are not real, but simply part of your imagination). The only reality that we face lives inrepparttar 129351 present moment.

Talking to Animals: Encountering The Soul of Nature

Written by Kavit M Haria

Having a communication session with your companion animal is a bit like having a psychic reading or healing, only for your "pet!" Thoughts, feelings, impressions, opinions: all come throughrepparttar communicator as s/he tunes in torepparttar 129337 animal's energy-many finding their way into words, sentences, phrases-conversation, fromrepparttar 129338 animal's point of view.

Communicating with animals is sweet. It is also very rich, deep, and intense, and sometimes melancholy or even heartbreaking. An animal communicator may feel as though they have been given a key to a secret world, one richer than their own, which can be entered and resided in whenever chosen. It's a world of conscious presence, a world of deep feeling, a technicolor world of multi-sensory experience. It'srepparttar 129339 everyday world of animals' experience.

Everything that is alive has consciousness. Consciousness, because it is shared by all creation, communicates. To communicate with any creature, or any aspect of creation, one need only to learn to listen. It isn't a matter of "doing" anything. It is rather, a learning to allowrepparttar 129340 natural flow of information - images, thoughts, feelings, perceptions - to enter and reside in our consciousness. This appears difficult because we have created many distractions. In fact, we've become so adapted to creating distractions that we've mostly forgotten how to listen, and how to trust, identify and interpret what we receive.

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