The Three Primary Strengths Of Network Marketing

Written by Kirk Bannerman

Network Marketing, 'MLM', and Multi Level Marketing are all terms that refer torepparttar same type of business model. This industry has had more than it's share of scumbag crooks and con artists that have used and abusedrepparttar 100364 concept. However, if you do your homework and get involved with a legitimate network marketing organization, this business model has exceptional income potential.

Network Marketing can produce outstanding results if you know a few simple concepts,repparttar 100365 understanding of which is critical to your success.

Network Marketing, MLM, and Multilevel Marketing are unlike franchises or conventional businesses in that they take advantage of all three ofrepparttar 100366 important, yet misunderstood principles of:

1) Leverage (of Time and Money) 2) Residual Income 3) Geometric Growth Through Duplication

Unfortunately these principles are not well understood by many of repparttar 100367 people that undertake network marketing. And that's just one of many reasons why so many fail at network marketing. There are lots of other reasons, and it would take volumes to cover them all. But this is one ofrepparttar 100368 more common ones. Because if you don't comprehend and believe in these principles, it's impossible to help others fully understand and appreciate them.

First, lets look at LEVERAGE:

Every successful person or business takes advantage of leverage. There are only 24 hours in a day and no matter how talented you are or how much you get paid per hour, if you don't take advantage of leverage you're limited byrepparttar 100369 number of hours in a day. As a side note, I have heard of cases where an occasional lawyer was billing more than 24 hours per day...but, I guess that's another story. By learning to leverage your time, you can also benefit from a percentage of other people's efforts, and dramatically increase your income while creating more free time for yourself.

The unique and wonderful thing aboutrepparttar 100370 Network Marketing business model is that everyone hasrepparttar 100371 same opportunity to becomerepparttar 100372 'owner' of his or her own business - with a fraction ofrepparttar 100373 investment of time and money of a franchise or traditional business.

In network marketingrepparttar 100374 people atrepparttar 100375 top definitely have a vested interest in helping others on their team succeed.

Would you rather receive 100% of one person's efforts, or 5% of repparttar 100376 efforts of 100 people?

Obviously 100% of one is always only ONE. But 5% of 100 is FIVE. Not only willrepparttar 100377 total result with leverage almost always be amplified, but your income is not dependent on only one person. If your income is produced byrepparttar 100378 activities of many, it is much more dependable. Even if something unexpected or negative happens to one or more of those people, it only has a minor effect onrepparttar 100379 TOTAL production.

It's great to get paid while you're sleeping or away on vacation. That's one ofrepparttar 100380 many advantages of leveraging your time.

The New Economy - Making a Living in the New World

Written by Perry Jones

The New Economy

Copyright 2001 by Perry Jones Revised 2005

A million jobs and more are being lost each year overseas. Thousands of people each month are giving up hope of ever finding a job. This is a huge tragedyrepparttar effects of which have not yet even begun.

A million jobs lost are a million people out of work. It's a million people depending on an unemployment check to pay bills and feed their families. A million people out of work is a million children whose parents wonder how they are going to feed their children. A million jobs lost.

That's a lot of people wondering what to do next. That's a lot of people wondering if their next job is going to pay as well as their last job. A million jobs lost is a million people bewildered.

We are faced with a great challenge. Butrepparttar 100363 challenge we face in lost jobs isrepparttar 100364 opposite viewpoint of what is really happening. No matter how politicians may rant about their opponents causing millions of jobs to go overseas, no matter how politicians may promise they will stemrepparttar 100365 outflow of jobs to Mexico, China and India, no matter how many promises are made;repparttar 100366 outflow of jobs cannot be stopped. Nor should it be.

Jobs are flowing toward those areas whererepparttar 100367 economics proverepparttar 100368 most effective for that job keepingrepparttar 100369 cost of goods and services affordable forrepparttar 100370 most people. Productivity gains inrepparttar 100371 areas of job loss keeps inflation from rising. But these things are meaningless if you'rerepparttar 100372 one who has lost your job.

A great restructuring is upon us. It is painful and it is arduous. It is challenging. But it is also necessary. For those whose jobs have been lost things could hardly get any worse. Butrepparttar 100373 loss of jobs is a good thing. The loss of jobs to China and Vietnam, Mexico and Korea meansrepparttar 100374 increase of opportunity where those jobs were lost. It may not look like it if you'rerepparttar 100375 one holding that final paycheck and your heart begins to flutter in panic.

I know. I've been there.

Instead of looking at what we've lost, we must dorepparttar 100376 hard thing and look atrepparttar 100377 opportunity that has been presented to us. With some support fromrepparttar 100378 government inrepparttar 100379 form of unemployment compensation, tuition loans and vouchers for adults and medical, life, vision and dental insurance for those thrown out of work, we can make it.

With these necessities provided, we can now set about ensuring that never again will we be atrepparttar 100380 mercy of some corporation that doesn't really care about us anyway. By starting over again at 30, 40 or even 50 at some big corporation, we'd only berepparttar 100381 first to go atrepparttar 100382 next economic downturn. There has to be a better way. And there is.

It will be hardest for adults. But I also know that as adults, we do whatever is necessary to get by - to put food onrepparttar 100383 table for our children and families, to keep a roof over their heads and clothes on their backs. It will be hard. But it is doable. It is also necessary.

A new economy is upon us. The means of production are being handed back torepparttar 100384 individual byrepparttar 100385 forces of evolution, science and progress. No person is doing this. No state is doing this. No religion is doing this. No ideology is doing this. Evolution, science and progress alone are presenting each of us withrepparttar 100386 opportunity to grab a hold of our own economic future and be totally self responsible and totally self-sufficient.

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