The Things I Took for Granted

Written by Staci Stallings

Inrepparttar whole general scheme of farm life, there are bad assignments, and then there are dairy farms. I know. I grew up on one. The particular life location to which I got assigned—“stuck” is a better word if you’ve ever been there—was a small family-owned-and-operated outfit, which basically meant if outside workers couldn’t get there, it was up torepparttar 122907 “family” to make surerepparttar 122908 work got done.

With a shutter I rememberrepparttar 122909 Christmas our main hired hand dropped out ofrepparttar 122910 work rotation for health reasons. It was right after school let out for Christmas break—funny how things like that always seemed to happen onrepparttar 122911 dairy. Sixteen andrepparttar 122912 oldest ofrepparttar 122913 kids left at home, I was called on to fill in. Halfway throughrepparttar 122914 first day, I realized I had somehow never noticed exactly how much that particular worker did.

For five solid days I either worked or slept, milked or slept, fed calves or slept until I felt very much likerepparttar 122915 old Dunkin’ Donuts guy who meets himself coming back inrepparttar 122916 door withrepparttar 122917 greeting, “Time to makerepparttar 122918 donuts” only to respond, “I maderepparttar 122919 donuts.”

Atrepparttar 122920 time I didn’t realize there were other sixteen-year-olds who weren’t getting up before dawn to go out intorepparttar 122921 cold and haul buckets around for hours on end. Sure my classmates didn’t live on dairies, but most of them either lived on farms or worked for other people who did.

In fact, in our little town, working hard wasn’t unusual—it wasrepparttar 122922 norm. You went to school, you went to church, and you worked. Simple as that.

The work ethic was learned early on simply by watching everyone else working around you. For example, I remember following my parents aroundrepparttar 122923 barn when I was no more than five, begging them to let me do something. They could’ve assigned me to scrape muck offrepparttar 122924 feeders, and I would’ve been happy because that meant I was helping, I was contributing, and that’s what made you somebody onrepparttar 122925 farm.

Of course byrepparttar 122926 time my dad came in on my sixteenth Christmas and announced that he had hired someone else to take my place, I didn’t exactly say, “That’s okay. You can let them go. I want to help.” Actually, it came out more like, “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Health and Fitness for Life

Written by Andrew Constantine

Health and Fitness for Life



Health is a funny thing. It is given to us as a child and we enjoy it without any appreciation for havingrepparttar ability to do what we want to physically. We run, jump, skip and just have a ball withrepparttar 122906 energy and fitness we have without having to work for it.


As we grow into our early twenties, most of us slow down from our most active years and don't get as much 'natural' exercise. We walk less, definitely run less and forrepparttar 122907 most part, 'settle in' to a more comfortable life of going to work and, eating onrepparttar 122908 run, then getting home in time to watch TV all night. (not too much exercise in that, except forrepparttar 122909 thumb - changing channels)


As we approach and enter our thirties, we tend to gain a bit of weight, lose some muscle composition, and begin to notice that climbing a couple of flights of stairs leaves us 'catching our breath'. This isrepparttar 122910 beginning of a long, downward spiral of loss of health and fitness that slowly sneaks up in us -repparttar 122911 next thing we know we are in our early forties and some of our friends are talking aboutrepparttar 122912 best blood pressure pills or anxiety reducing medications over lunch. What has happened?

Simple Daily Strategies

The best way to stoprepparttar 122913 plight of health decline is to begin with some simple daily strategies. One ofrepparttar 122914 biggest reasons that health improvement products are everywhere is that humans have a tendency to look forrepparttar 122915 'quick fix' and avoid having to commit to any long term fitness activity. We begin a diet or fitness program that lasts for twelve weeks and three days into it we rationalize thatrepparttar 122916 timeframe ofrepparttar 122917 program doesn't justifyrepparttar 122918 commitment - so we quit and forget about our health untilrepparttar 122919 next reminder shows up.

The solution is to create a short list of simple daily strategies that will keep us involved with making healthy choices, without causing us to give in and give up. Some examples of this strategy are to takerepparttar 122920 stairs instead ofrepparttar 122921 elevator, park a block from work and walkrepparttar 122922 extra five minutes, throw a couple of apples in your bag to take to work so you stay away fromrepparttar 122923 vending machine.

Some other ideas are:

- Do a little yard work instead of sitting down onrepparttar 122924 couch after work.

- Walkrepparttar 122925 golf course instead of renting a cart.

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