The Test

Written by Helaine Iris

The Test Helaine Iris © 2002

“The family…that dear octopus from whose tentacles we never quite escape nor, in our inmost hearts, ever quite wish to”. Dodie Smith

As I reflect onrepparttar week I spent with my family celebratingrepparttar 111481 holiday season I am awed and humbled byrepparttar 111482 precarious balance of emotions when family comes together. I was looking forward to my parents, children and extended family gathering at my newly renovated home to spend a few days of laughter, connection and great food.

My parents came a few days earlier thanrepparttar 111483 rest ofrepparttar 111484 gang. It had been a while since we’d seen each other. I have a close relationship with my parents and I was excited to be with them.

We spentrepparttar 111485 first few days together happily catching up, laughing and thoroughly enjoying each other. Amidstrepparttar 111486 sweetness ofrepparttar 111487 visit I remembered a quote I once heard by Ram Dass who said something torepparttar 111488 effect of, “If you want to find out how evolved you are, spend a week with your parents”. It made me wonder how I would passrepparttar 111489 test.

Predictably, at around day threerepparttar 111490 ice began to wear thin. Suddenlyrepparttar 111491 familiar family dynamics began to show their first signs, particularly with my mother. She and I, both bright women, who have each done lots of inner work, began to subtly play out our “roles” with each other. Before I knew it I turned intorepparttar 111492 struggling to be a grown up kid full of reaction, and her,repparttar 111493 afraid to let go mother full of control and fear. Yikes.

It was stressful and I could feel my energy draining; yet I got caught up inrepparttar 111494 busyness and fun ofrepparttar 111495 rest ofrepparttar 111496 family arriving and didn’t deal withrepparttar 111497 underlying, growing feelings of frustration.

Then there wererepparttar 111498 amazing moments. Three generations of women inrepparttar 111499 kitchen preparing dinner. My mother, my daughter and myself tied together by birth, all engaged in a dance of past and present, tied to our roles yet curious and exploring who we all are as women inrepparttar 111500 world. I was witnessingrepparttar 111501 family legacy; I wondered how was I doing with my daughter, will she feelrepparttar 111502 same inner conflict with me when she is grown?

The visit had come to its end. Inrepparttar 111503 last bittersweet hour we were together my mother and I hit an iceberg. We had a difficult interaction that we couldn’t quite resolve before she had to leave. It felt like a bucket of cold water got thrown on an essentially successful visit.

They were gone; I was left feeling not very evolved at all. How was it that with all I know I couldn’t have created a different experience for myself? I couldn’t let it go, hours later I was still stewing and feeling like I had really failed Ram Dass’s test.

Words, Ignorance, And Casper The Friendly Ghost!

Written by Richard Vegas

Words, Ignorance, and Casper The Friendly Ghost!

Do your best to accept this or do your best to fight it: but, "You are a mind with a body". Because you are, you have spiritual powers. And,repparttar Spirit man (person) inside you contains powers known and unknown. Discover what they are!

Ignorance, who me?

Anything that seems logical to a person, who is ignorant ofrepparttar 111480 facts, may seem stupid torepparttar 111481 person who knows how to do it and does knowrepparttar 111482 facts. If you make decisions because you refuse to learnrepparttar 111483 truth, that is called ignorance. But, none of us would ever do that, would we?

You just might be surprised how many grow fat on ignorance. Andrepparttar 111484 biggest cause of ignorance is… guess? Ok, it is Inertia. A person may not knowrepparttar 111485 facts but he should understand that truth is truth and never false regardless of his lack of knowledge.

An open minded person will continue to learn and not succumb to immobility. He will base his conclusions onrepparttar 111486 knowledge that he has. But, always ready to change them as he becomes more enlightened.

It's time to explorerepparttar 111487 powers of your mind.

These powers can help you to achieve success, wealth, happiness, love and all you desire. Learn to use these powers. Don't be afraid of them. And, it is not at all difficult. No more difficult than turning on your computer forrepparttar 111488 first time.

Consider this. When you turn on your computer, you may not understand allrepparttar 111489 intricacies that make it do what it does. You don't have to. You just need to know how to fliprepparttar 111490 switch.

The same thing goes forrepparttar 111491 most intricate machine that has ever been conceived. Although this machine isrepparttar 111492 Divine work of God, you can learn to use it very easily.

The Wild Wild Brain!

This machine is; your brain. Your brain is made up of two parts, your conscious and sub-conscious and they work together. We know a lot aboutrepparttar 111493 conscious, butrepparttar 111494 sub-conscious is still a vast unknown territory.

One ofrepparttar 111495 greatest powers ofrepparttar 111496 sub-conscious is its ability to userepparttar 111497 power of auto-suggestion. You can become rich by learningrepparttar 111498 power of and employing auto-suggestion.

Conscious suggestion isrepparttar 111499 mechanism of feedingrepparttar 111500 sub-conscious mind thoughts of a creative nature. I.e. Positive affirmations that make their way intorepparttar 111501 deep fertile ground ofrepparttar 111502 sub-conscious. Or, through neglect and inertia permit thoughts that are destructive torepparttar 111503 desires of your heart.

When you read out loud a written statement of your desire for whatever you want, everyday, several times everyday, and do it with emotion and concentration on your desire, and, see and feel yourself already in possession of what you want, then you are communicating (self-suggesting)your desire directly to your sub-conscious.

What? Brain Food!

When you do this through repetition you create a thought pattern that will voluntarily feed your sub-consciousrepparttar 111504 food it wants to eat. Foods that will help your sub-conscious translate your desire into reality. And, I'm not talking about thanksgiving turkey.

The Food thatrepparttar 111505 sub-conscious feeds on is: WORDS! Words arerepparttar 111506 only food thatrepparttar 111507 sub-conscious is capable of digesting. You say "yes", it knows what that means and doesn't care whatrepparttar 111508 results become. You say "no", it knows what that means and doesn't care whatrepparttar 111509 results become.

It is VERY important to note;repparttar 111510 sub-conscious does not pay attention to wishy-washy-wimpy-words. Your sub-conscious isrepparttar 111511 hardest mechanism there is to slap a snow-job on. And, it won't pay any attention to wussy statements that you make while going tip-toeing throughrepparttar 111512 tulips talking like Casperrepparttar 111513 friendly ghost.

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