The Teapot Dome Scandal

Written by John Parsons

The Teapot Dome Scandal was one ofrepparttar earliest scandals inrepparttar 103000 American business.

Three naval oil fields, Elk Hills and Buena Vista Hills in California and Teapot Dome in Wyoming, was public land that were reserved by previous presidents to be emergency underground oil supplies to be used byrepparttar 103001 navy only whenrepparttar 103002 regular oil supplies diminished.

The Teapot Dome oil field received its name because of a rock resembling a teapot that was located aboverepparttar 103003 oil-bearing land.

In June, 1920, Congress passed a bill that stated thatrepparttar 103004 Secretary ofrepparttar 103005 Navy would haverepparttar 103006 power "to conserve, develop, use and operaterepparttar 103007 same in his discretion, directly or by contract, lease, or otherwise, and to use, store, exchange, or sellrepparttar 103008 oil and gas products thereof, and those from all royalty oil from lands inrepparttar 103009 naval reserves, forrepparttar 103010 benefit ofrepparttar 103011 United States."

In 1921 Albert Fall was appointed as Secretary ofrepparttar 103012 Interior by President Warren Harding.

Fall then convinced Secretary ofrepparttar 103013 Navy Edwin Denby to turnrepparttar 103014 control ofrepparttar 103015 oil fields over to him.

Managing Your Meetings

Written by Cynthia Kyriazis

Managing Meetings

"To get something done a meeting should consist of no more than three people, two of whom are absent." ~author unknown

One ofrepparttar complaints I hear most often is aboutrepparttar 102999 number of meetings people attend during any given week. It isn't onlyrepparttar 103000 quantity, butrepparttar 103001 duration and ineffectiveness that seem to cause problems. Conducting effective meetings is part of practicing effective time management and something we cover during my workshop so I thought a recap of some meeting guidelines would be helpful:

Beforerepparttar 103002 meeting… Create and distribute an agenda. If others are involved, get their contributions by asking them to provide 3 things:repparttar 103003 topic,repparttar 103004 time needed to discuss it andrepparttar 103005 purpose. Create a level of expectation that without this information,repparttar 103006 item won't be placed onrepparttar 103007 Agenda. Identify specific actions and outcomes for Agenda inclusion because this will determine who should be attend. Try to keeprepparttar 103008 number of participants between 4 and 7. State whenrepparttar 103009 meeting will begin and end and try to honor those times.

Duringrepparttar 103010 meeting… Stay on topic. Assigning a willing facilitator can help keeprepparttar 103011 group not only remain focused onrepparttar 103012 topic. This person can also remind participants

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