The Tao of Web Marketing

Written by Michael Southon

A few months ago I was watching a stream meandering back and forth across a flat plain in a high mountain valley. The stream reached it's destination - a small lake - but only after dozens of loops and curves. It occurred to me that Water and clever Web Marketing have something in common - they both followrepparttar path of least resistance.

Let me explain.

Your first contact with a future customer usually starts with an email. It could be an Ad in an Ezine, it could be your Resource Box atrepparttar 121882 end of one of your Articles, or it could be your Signature File in your correspondence.

But inrepparttar 121883 chain of events that leads to a web sale, an email isrepparttar 121884 point of greatest resistance.

Why is that?

Firstly, your future customer is reading your message offline. She or he has to fire up their modem before they can buy your product. And that requires effort (and expense).

Secondly, if your message is in an Ezine, it's probably one of a dozen other messages all clamoring for attention.

Thirdly, whether your message is an Ezine Ad, a Resource Box, or a Signature File, you've probably had only a few lines to explain why your widgets are so good.

So if an email isrepparttar 121885 point of greatest resistance, what isrepparttar 121886 solution?

The ancient Chinese philosophy of Taoism (pronounced 'Dowism') - also known as 'The Watercourse Way' - gives usrepparttar 121887 answer. Taoism tells us to be like Water and followrepparttar 121888 path of least resistance. Water flows. It is soft and moves easily around obstacles in its path, instead of attempting to go through them.

Discover the Truth Behind the 'Secrets'

Written by Glen Palo

Andrepparttar emperor has no clothes.

Do you believerepparttar 121881 "heavy hitters" in network marketing or internet promotion will really reveal their secrets to you for $29.95? Do you believe there really are any secrets to success inrepparttar 121882 first place?

I don't! And I will tell you why.

First things first. Marketers use power words to get your attention. I used three power words inrepparttar 121883 title, "discover," "truth" and "secrets." Overrepparttar 121884 years marketers have found that certain words trigger emotional responses that arouse curiosity in readers (or consumers if you like).

"Secrets" is such a powerful word because people want to believe there is some magic formula behindrepparttar 121885 "heavy hitter's" success. After all, they did not become a heavy hitter without being successful. People want to know what they did that made them successful inrepparttar 121886 first place.

There are a few individuals that if you dropped them naked inrepparttar 121887 middle ofrepparttar 121888 Sahara Desert in two weeks they will drive out ofrepparttar 121889 desert in a new Ferrari wearing a gold Rolex watch and Armani suit with a downline of 1,000 people. In other words, they have a talent or gift that cannot be duplicated. So what doesrepparttar 121890 average person do to become a heavy hitter? Or better yet, what doesrepparttar 121891 average person do to become successful?

You are not going to like this.

Heavy hitters workrepparttar 121892 numbers. They use a system to workrepparttar 121893 numbers. At some point in time, they contacted enough people to generate enough business volume that createdrepparttar 121894 incomes they have today. They use a system in order to predictrepparttar 121895 results given a specific number of contacts. In other words, they know if they contact 100 people, a specific number will buy their product or service and a specific number will joinrepparttar 121896 business.

Secondly, once they become heavy hitters, they use their reputation as heavy hitters to create additional income. They have huge centers of influence. If Ms. Heavy Hitter decides to leaverepparttar 121897 current company and move to a new opportunity, she has enough influence that many in her organization will leave with her. Of course, those that are closest to her getrepparttar 121898 word before those that are well down inrepparttar 121899 organization.

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