The TOP 5 things that keep you from success.

Written by Emmanuel SEGUI

Everyone wants to be rich. A lot of people want to be successful. Yet, only a few people are willing to payrepparttar price. There is a price to success as there is a price to failure. Here are 5 reasons that keep people from accomplishing their dreams.

A lack of motivation. Success comes from loving what you do. Is your current job your passion? When your study highly successful people, you understand that they have at least 1 thing in common: they love what they do and they do what they love. Is thisrepparttar 123036 case for you? Ifrepparttar 123037 answer is no, you can start by identifying your passion. This isrepparttar 123038 best way to get motivated.

A lack of faith. Faith is a firm belief in yourself, God or others that you can do it. Build up a strong vision of what you want to accomplish. In developing a vision,repparttar 123039 law of attraction is going to work for you. You are going to attract people, opportunities and money that will allow you to develop an unstoppable confidence.

The fear of failure. The fear of failure doesn't exist. Neither doesrepparttar 123040 fear of success. Fear stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. Micheal Jordan said himself that "Fear is an illusion". It is hard to overcome fears. One simple way to overcomerepparttar 123041 fear of failure is to read inspirational stories and quotes of people that achieved their dreams. Read one every morning. That will give you strength and hope.

The wrong strategies. When you want to build a business, to achieve something really big, you need to have mentors. You can't allow yourself to loose time, money and energy. Mentors are people that will give yourepparttar 123042 right strategies; they will providerepparttar 123043 right information and will inspire you. They will coach you throughrepparttar 123044 process. Choose correctly your experts, your models. Work with them and adoptrepparttar 123045 same thinking patterns,repparttar 123046 same strategies,repparttar 123047 same beliefs. If he did it, you can do it too.

Power of a Positive Attitude

Written by Shannon Herod

Power of a Positive Attitude Copyright 2004 by Shannon Herod

You wake up inrepparttar morning sleepy and fatigued;repparttar 123035 day has to start but you do not want it to. You stumble around; stub your toe onrepparttar 123036 dresser and step onrepparttar 123037 dog. What do you do, get mad and wasterepparttar 123038 day with anger or get excited because you woke up this morning andrepparttar 123039 day is going to be awesome.

Unfortunately, most of us fill our day with negativity fromrepparttar 123040 moment we get out of bed. Then we wonder why our day is notrepparttar 123041 best it can be. Attitude affects every aspect of your life- even your on-line business- so why not have a great attitude. The good news is you control your attitude, not me not circumstances, and you do. Every time you get excited about your day, you maderepparttar 123042 choice to be excited. When you walk through your day with negativity it was a choice you made.

Makerepparttar 123043 right choice

Makingrepparttar 123044 choice to stay positive is an easy task but it takes commitment and will not happen over night. It is learning to findrepparttar 123045 positive in every situation and retraining your sub conscious mind to think inrepparttar 123046 positive instead ofrepparttar 123047 negative. Unfortunately, we are bread to think negatively fromrepparttar 123048 time we can walk but we can retrain ourselves to berepparttar 123049 positive motivator that takes charge and wins in life.

Read on to learnrepparttar 123050 techniques I use to maintain a positive attitude.

Make a goal to change

People often ask me why I am so happy allrepparttar 123051 time and I tell them because I made a goal to control my attitude. Setting a goal to make a commitment to change your attitude isrepparttar 123052 foundation that must be laid. If you need help on how to set a goal, you can read my article on goal setting at: http://www.Dreams2freedom.Com/myarticles1. Html.

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