The Swan on the Chopping Block

Written by Tonya Zavasta

When Anderson wrote “The Ugly Duckling”, he was imagining a natural transformation from awkward youth to mature beauty. His vision did not include a meat cleaver. The new network show, “The Swan” is a travesty on so many levels that it is difficult to know where to begin. There is nothing wrong with using cosmetic surgery to correct a definitive flaw but to turn yourself over to megalomaniacs with scalpels is cause for more therapy than these women are receiving.

It is unconscionable that television should even consider anything so potentially damaging. However,repparttar women who allow themselves to berepparttar 115250 golden goose (to mix metaphors) are equally to blame. What sane women would with good conscience turn herself over to strangers without having any input into what is being done.

The Swan reflects society’s superficial attitude towards cosmetic surgery as a cure all for everything from natural aging to an unhealthy lifestyle. It is not enough that millions of baby boomers are already flocking to cosmetic surgeons to graft an artificial spring over a natural winter, now they are fiercely promotingrepparttar 115251 idea to much younger women even in those in their 20s who admittedly should look far better than they do but could substitute restraint for butchery to improve themselves without outside help. Taking individual responsibility is a far healthier solution torepparttar 115252 problem

A healthy person always looks 10 to 20 years younger than her peers. While many women would give anything for beauty, there is one thing that should never be sacrificed --health. Health and beauty are connected vessels: if you steal from one, you steal fromrepparttar 115253 other.

Your inner and outer body are two sides ofrepparttar 115254 same coin. Ifrepparttar 115255 colors and forms of your body are changing outwardly, do not be mistaken, for they are also changing inwardly. If surgery is needed onrepparttar 115256 outside, it might be an indication that surgery will soon be needed onrepparttar 115257 organs inside as well. Often,repparttar 115258 exterior flaws that can be corrected by cosmetic surgery arerepparttar 115259 result of much more serious internal problems. Ifrepparttar 115260 cause is not addressed,repparttar 115261 problem will recur.

Cosmetic surgery will not make you younger. Any surgery drastically ages your body. In fact, biologically, you will get older. Facelifts and associated procedures do take years off your face temporarily but add years to your body permanently. Is it worth undergoing 10 to 12 hours of consecutive procedures, exhausting your body, and endangering your life for superficial changes that can largely be obtained through a healthy, disciplined lifestyle?

How to Halt the Train of Aging

Written by Tonya Zavasta

Excerpted fromrepparttar book "Your Right to Be Beautiful: How to Haltrepparttar 115249 Train of Aging and Meetrepparttar 115250 Most Beautiful You" by Tonya Zavasta. The book is available at:

Aging would not be so bad if it did not tell on us at every encounter. As we hug one another, we registerrepparttar 115251 love handles onrepparttar 115252 other's waist,repparttar 115253 flab on their arms andrepparttar 115254 sag on their cheeks. We stare into each other's faces. After all, only saints find no pleasure inrepparttar 115255 wrinkles of their peers. We are not inexcusable sinners; we are checking to see how well we are holding up. Estimating someone's age and deciding how well that person has aged tells us a lot. Looking and feeling younger than chronological age has increasingly becomes a yardstick of success. Preoccupation with age is a reality for our rapidly aging society. It is part of our resume and every bit as important as our employment records.

The signs of deterioration that we considerrepparttar 115256 signs of aging arerepparttar 115257 result of waste overload onrepparttar 115258 cellular level. When our actions are in opposition to nature,repparttar 115259 results are different types of bodily ills, deformities, and ugliness. Eating denatured and devitalized food leaves residuesrepparttar 115260 body cannot utilize, and they are deposited in places our Creator never intended. Whateverrepparttar 115261 body cannot use, becomes toxic accumulations that steal our health and our youth.

Body acids enter in chemical reactions with waste products causing calcification ofrepparttar 115262 soft tissue. Now tissues of vital organs and glands become burdened with mineral salts and crystalline deposits. Overloaded with waste, they not only can no longer function normally but also become more responsive to gravity's pull. As every tissue elongates and sags, drooping jowls and sagging cheeks begin to drape on both sides ofrepparttar 115263 mouth, andrepparttar 115264 eyebrows begin to hang overrepparttar 115265 eyes.

Most of us feel our appearance lacks something. In reality, ugliness is more about excess. Toxic accumulations in our bodies are responsible for stealing our health and attractiveness. Beauty lies latent under cushions of retained fluids, deposits of fat, and sick tissues. Your beauty is buried alive, but in most cases it can be revived in a version that will be satisfactory to you. You must take immediate action to revitalize it. When you do, your uncovered beauty will surprise and delight you.

Some physical characteristics of our face and body we cannot change--they were determined prior to our birth. Butrepparttar 115266 consumption ofrepparttar 115267 raw plant diet as an adult will make a difference inrepparttar 115268 texture of skin and hair,repparttar 115269 health of nails, weight and complexion. All of these traits and more are determined by daily choices, with food being one ofrepparttar 115270 most important and, luckily,repparttar 115271 one we can fully control.

Since there can be no natural health without eating 100 percent natural food, most of people have never explored optimum health. In my book Your Right to Be Beautiful, I advocate a diet made up solely of raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds-Rawsome Diet. No, you will not be asked to grazerepparttar 115272 garden, dig uprepparttar 115273 squirrel's nuts or dine out onrepparttar 115274 birdfeeder, but you will be introduced to an unexplored world of preparation techniques that allow you to create not onlyrepparttar 115275 most nutritious meals, but also dishes that are delicious, filling and satisfying. Some raw food recipes even mimic traditional cuisine and makerepparttar 115276 transition torepparttar 115277 Rawsome diet easier. There are 100s of different kinds of fruits and veggies, nuts and seeds with a variety of tastes and flavors, which awakened taste buds will begin to appreciate. If you combine only two or three ingredients at each meal, thenrepparttar 115278 number of dish combinations is endless.

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