The Stuff E-mail Queries are Made of

Written by Mridu Khullar (

Your mother always told you how first impressions were extremely important. That’s why whenever you go to meet an editor, you dress impeccably, walk confidently and talk as if you just got out of training with Oprah Winfrey.

But as you sit down to write that e-mail query, you forget everything your mother told you and send editors a query that inevitably brings home rejection. The subject line reads “Query” or something in close proximity withrepparttar language spammers use—“Become Debt Free Today”. You write your e-mail address and Web address, but leave out other information such as your postal address and phone number. And of course, since it’s an e-mail query, you don’t include clips. After all,repparttar 128914 editor explicitly mentioned no attachments, right?

After sending out a dozen queries of this sort, many writers sit in front of their computers hoping that some editor will respond. When no one does, they wonder why their queries aren't getting enough response, even though they did everything right.

But you know what-- there's a better way. E-mail isrepparttar 128915 way to go today, so your queries should hitrepparttar 128916 mark right away. Here are some tips that will meltrepparttar 128917 toughest of editors.

For starters, getrepparttar 128918 subject line right. You’re a writer—so be creative. Instead of writing "query" or "submission" or evenrepparttar 128919 name ofrepparttar 128920 magazine, how about usingrepparttar 128921 title of your article? And I don’t have to tell you thatrepparttar 128922 title you choose should be informative, witty and creative, do I? It doesn’t always have to be funny, but it has to be interesting. Here’srepparttar 128923 format I usually follow for my subject lines:

Query: Creative Article Title

Try to avoid titles that read like spam. “Lose Weight Easily” can be rephrased as “10 Ways to Keep Fit”. Similarly, “Discover Singles in Your Area” is a line spammers love to use, so you could use something more attention-grabbing and less spam-seeming such as “The Top 10 Places to Find your Soul Mate.” Noticerepparttar 128924 difference?

Freelance Writing on the Internet

Written by Mridu Khullar (

So, you’ve decided to take up a career in freelance writing. You’ve hooked uprepparttar computer, installedrepparttar 128912 printer, and learntrepparttar 128913 nitty-gritty of your word processor. You’ve maybe even been published a couple of times. You’re all set to conquerrepparttar 128914 world of publishing. But wait. Do you know allrepparttar 128915 options available to you?

We’ve compiled a list of allrepparttar 128916 jobs a freelance writer can find onrepparttar 128917 Internet to keeprepparttar 128918 cash inflow steady:

Magazines Most ofrepparttar 128919 freelancing industry focuses on magazines, so let’s start there. You’ll find magazines on every topic imaginable. From teen issues to running, you’ll find at least one magazine to fit in your interests. While magazine publishing is huge and widespread, don’t try to get published everywhere at once. Find a few niche topics and start your way up from there. As your expertise and interests grow, branch out to other magazines as well. Topics most writers start out with include health and nutrition, computers, parenting, teens, relationships, disability, travel, etc.

Fillers in Magazines and Newspapers Not all writers make it torepparttar 128920 cover pages of magazines. At least not at first. Inrepparttar 128921 beginning, you might just have to make do with fillers. And they pay as much as they’re fun to do. Jokes, opinion pieces, short lists, news items and other short pieces are termed fillers. Editors are always onrepparttar 128922 lookout for good fillers, so you stand a good chance of breaking through.

Greeting Cards With e-cards, paper greeting cards seem to have taken a backseat. Nevertheless,repparttar 128923 sale of paper cards is still ongoing and they are still preferred when it comes to relatives, long-lost friends or special occasions. Despite popular myths, greeting card markets are not as easy to break into as they seem, can take a long time to respond and an even longer time to get your card into print. The upside is that greeting card markets pay extremely well for short writing. What’s more, though limited, opportunities exist for e-card writers too. So when you need to take a break fromrepparttar 128924 regular work, dip your fingers intorepparttar 128925 greeting card pool

Doormats, Magnets, Bumper Stickers, T-shirts, etc If you’ve wondered how those words made it to t-shirts, stickers, doormats and magnets, think no more. Freelance writers are often required to writerepparttar 128926 slogans for such material and are paid quite well for it. If you haverepparttar 128927 ability to coin a catchy or humorous one-liner, this could be your shot to riches. You won’t get a byline, and certainly no fame, but you could be earning as much as $50 per word!

Posters They’re up in your room, you’ve seen them in your friend’s office, and you often find a funny one atrepparttar 128928 fast-food place downrepparttar 128929 street. Someone must have written them. Why not you? A lot of companies sell posters and generate handsome sales from them. In fact, writers of posters are usually paid in royalties, that is, byrepparttar 128930 number of posters sold. So, instead of being paid one-time, you’ll be paid over and over again for something you wrote years ago.

Resumes Practically every one needs a resume (yes, even us freelance writers). Some people write them up themselves, some prefer to takerepparttar 128931 help of professionals. Write up a resume for a friend or two at work (even if she doesn’t need one!) as samples and respond to advertisements and calls for resume writers. Keep in mind though that resume writing isn’t your regular every day writing. You’re not supposed to decoraterepparttar 128932 page with flowery prose or funny anecdotes. You need to be professional, crisp and attention-grabbing. Practice with a few fake ones, and you’ll soon be on your way.

Advertising Advertisers need writers, commonly known as copywriters. They’rerepparttar 128933 flesh and blood ofrepparttar 128934 campaign. Getting into advertising can be a tricky business, but with a few credentials and a polished resume, you’ll have no trouble at all showcasing your talent torepparttar 128935 world. If you are indeed good at what you do, advertisers will line up to get you to work for them. If you prefer not to work for someone, you could set up your own copywriting business and promote it to get clients.

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