The Seven Deadly Habits of a DBA... and how to cure them

Written by Paul Vallee

Calling widespread bad habits in database administration "deadly" may seem extreme. However, when you considerrepparttar critical nature of most data, and just how damaging data loss or corruption can be to a corporation, "deadly" seems pretty dead-on.

Although these habits are distressingly common among DBAs, they are curable with some shrewd management intervention. What follows is a list ofrepparttar 108630 seven habits we considerrepparttar 108631 deadliest, along with some ideas on how to eliminate them.

Habit #1. THE LEAP OF FAITH: "We have faith in our backup."

Blind faith can be endearing, but not when it comes backing up a database. Backups should be trusted only as far as they have been tested and verified.

Cures: Have your DBAs verify thatrepparttar 108632 backup is succeeding regularly, preferably using a script that notifies them if there's an issue. Maintain a backup to your backup. DBAs should always use at least two backup methods. A common technique is to use those old-fashioned exports as a backup torepparttar 108633 online backups. Resource test recoveries as often as is practical. An early sign that your DBA team is either overworked or not prioritizing correctly is having a quarter go by without a test recovery. Test recoveries confirm that your backup strategy is on track, while allowing your team to practice recovery activities so they can handle them effectively whenrepparttar 108634 time comes.

Habit #2. GREAT EXPECTATIONS: "It will workrepparttar 108635 way we expect it to. Let's go ahead."

Although not user friendly inrepparttar 108636 traditional sense, Oracle is very power-user friendly— once you've been working with it for a while, you develop an instinct forrepparttar 108637 way things "should" work. Although that instinct is often right, one ofrepparttar 108638 most dangerous habits any DBA can possess is an assumption that Oracle will "just work"repparttar 108639 way it should.

Cures: Inculcate a "practice, practice, practice" mentality throughoutrepparttar 108640 organization. DBAs need to rehearse activities inrepparttar 108641 safe sandbox of a test environment that's designed to closely mimicrepparttar 108642 behaviour ofrepparttar 108643 production system. The organization needs to allowrepparttar 108644 time and money for them to do so. Pair inexperienced DBAs with senior ones whenever possible—or take them under your own wing. New DBAs tend to be fearless, but learning from someone else's experience can help instill some much needed paranoia. Reviewrepparttar 108645 plans for everything. It's amazing how often DBAs say, "I've done that a hundred times, I don't need a plan." If they're heading into execution mode, they absolutely need a plan.

Habit #3. LAISSEZ-FAIRE ADMINISTRATION: "We don't need to monitorrepparttar 108646 system. The users always let us know when something's wrong."

If you depend onrepparttar 108647 users to informrepparttar 108648 DBA team that there's a problem, it may already be too late.

Cures: Install availability and performance monitoring systems so that issues are identified and resolved before they cause service-affecting failures. Avoid post-release software issues by working with developers and testers to ensure that all production-ready software is stable and high-performance.

Habit #4. THE MEMORY TEST: "We'll remember how this happened, and what we did to get things going again."

It may seem impossible that a DBA team would forget a massive procedure that took them weeks to get right, and yet it happens allrepparttar 108649 time. In order to prevent recurring mistakes and take advantage of gained experience, documentation is essential.

Cures: Require that your DBAs maintain a comprehensive documentation library and activity diary, including a significant level of rationale, syntax, and workflow detail. Provide your team with groupware on your intranet so that these documents become searchable in an emergency. Enforcerepparttar 108650 discipline of documentation and check it periodically. Ask your DBAs: When was this tablespace created, by whom, and with what SQL? What tasks were performed on a particular day? If they can't answer quickly, you'll know they've gone back to relying on memory.

10 POWERFUL Reasons Why You're Crazy NOT To Start A... Home Based Business In 2005

Written by Cory Threlfall

Copyright 2005 The IWE, LLC

Home Based Business's are spreading across North America and have become widely recognized as one ofrepparttar most desirable business's to start for several reasons.

Just think for a minute what it would be like to work from home and never have to worry about waiting in grid lock traffic or to answer to your boss's demands.

Wouldn't that be great?

In todays fast paced world a little extra income doesn't hurt in order forrepparttar 108629 average guy or gal to get ahead in life so they can enjoyrepparttar 108630 little extra's life has to offer that there current job doesn't allow them to do.

I know from experience because that's what made me takerepparttar 108631 neccessary action steps required in order for me to enjoyrepparttar 108632 quality of life I wanted to live and provide for my family.

But,repparttar 108633 problem that usually occurs is people need to be motivated by something or inspired in order to take action.

Well,repparttar 108634 purpose of this article is to do exactly that, inspire you.

I'm going to cover with yourepparttar 108635 10 main reasons why You should consider starting your known 'Home Based Business' andrepparttar 108636 benefits behind each of them.

I guarantee once you read through them you'll agree that a 'Home Based Business' might be worth considering.

With that said, let's go to reason #1.

1. Be your own Boss.

Ever dream of being your own Boss?

Well starting a 'Home Based Business' is a step inrepparttar 108637 right direction andrepparttar 108638 best part is, you'll never have to answer to anyone else's orders, just your own.

2. Work when you want to.

This is probably one ofrepparttar 108639 best reasons in my book for starting a 'Home Based Business' simply because you get to set your own schedule for what hours You want to work.

This is especially beneficial for stay at home moms who have children to tend to and need some flexibility in there work schedules.

3. Freedom to do what you want when you want.

How's that for a reason to get started. By being your own boss and being able to schedule your own work hours you NOW haverepparttar 108640 freedom to do what you want when you want to with whom you want at anytime.

It's a great feeling to be in control of your own life and do what you want when you want.

4. No more worrying about job security.

By having you own 'Home Based Business' you never have to worry about receiving a pink slip from your boss or a "SORRY", butrepparttar 108641 company has to cut back on its employee's and You happen to be one ofrepparttar 108642 one's who has to go.

5. It doesn't interfere with your current "J.O.B.".

That's right, you don't have to quit your current J.O.B. in order to get started. You can start on a part-time basis until your able to replace your current income withrepparttar 108643 income you generate from your business.

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