The Seven D's - Daring To Discover the Dreamy Details of Designing Your To Do List

Written by Lynn Cutts

Asrepparttar days begin to shorten afterrepparttar 150602 summer solstice, many of us start to experience an unusual seasonal phenomenon: As quickly asrepparttar 150603 days grow shorter, our To Do Lists grow longer. They get filled with more and more stuff: winterizing stuff, work stuff, home stuff, holiday stuff, travel stuff, year-end stuff. Soon we feel as if we are drowning in stuff that just has to be done right now. Byrepparttar 150604 timerepparttar 150605 holidays roll around, we are stressed, tired, exhausted, and cranky. It's hardlyrepparttar 150606 way to welcome inrepparttar 150607 holiday season.

There's only one solution for it - in addition to chocolate, of course - and I'm sorry, but it doesn't involve running away to a tropical island untilrepparttar 150608 madness dies down. That's whatrepparttar 150609 Kranks try to do in Christmas withrepparttar 150610 Kranks, a wonderful movie based on John Grisham's Skipping Christmas. It doesn't work for them either. No, what we have to do is take back control of our lists and our lives. We have to cut that list down to manageable size.

"How?" you say? I'm so glad you asked. Because that's what this Musing is all about. To start with, before you can trim your list, you have to make one. Start by choosing someplace where you can write down allrepparttar 150611 chores you have to do. (I keep my list in a spiral notebook. A client of mine uses a computer spreadsheet. Another uses her PDA. Figure out what will work best for you.) Don't sort it out by categories like "home," "family," "work," "school," etc. Just let it be jumbled together. And don't include appointments over which you have little or no control.

Here's an excerpt from my list (The real list is much, much longer): - put snow tires on - send gift list to parents - send gift list to brother - finish Change One Habit e-book - plan March trip - develop future teleclasses - clean out linen closet - balance business check book - bring in furniture from balcony - find out when family is coming for holidays (call Mom) - replace buttons on black shirt - bug brother about gift lists for kids (call) - buy holiday cards - re-write website copy - develop product survey - write copy for new, First Muse Bank website - write family holiday newsletter - defrost freezer - paint laundry room - write 4 D's essay

There are a couple of advantages to having everything written down. First, it relieves you of that nagging feeling that you are going to forget something important. Thenrepparttar 150612 sheer physical presence of that list (and its length) will remind you to stop and think before you take something else on. Do you really haverepparttar 150613 time and energy to handle another project right now? Your list is a great reality check. Finally, you will experience sheer joy when you can actually cross something off that list. (Which is why I like to write it down in a notebook; then I getrepparttar 150614 satisfaction of crossing it off. Just deleting it off a spreadsheet doesn't quite do it for me).

When you've finishedrepparttar 150615 list and shakenrepparttar 150616 writer's cramp out of your hand (chocolate may help), you're ready to start cutting it down to size. That'srepparttar 150617 challenging part. To make it easier, applyrepparttar 150618 first Four D's: DELAY, DELEGATE, DO LESS, DELETE. Here's how.

For each item on your list, decide if you can:

- put it off until afterrepparttar 150619 holidays (or longer) (DELAY), - have someone else do it or hire it out (DELEGATE), - makerepparttar 150620 task shorter or easier, or combine it with another task (DO LESS), - strike it from your list completely (DELETE). Your goal is to cut your list in half - at least.

To help you decide which D to apply, here are a few questions:

DELAYING. Ask yourself: - Does this really have to be done now? - Is this my deadline, or somebody else's? - What would it cost me if I put this off for a week, a month, six months, or a year? Can I live with that?

If you decide that you can delay that task, write a date beside it so you'll be sure to get back to it then.

"Play Piano As Fast As Possible!"

Written by Ronald Worthy

Copyright 2005 RAW Productions

One ofrepparttar rules of practicing we all hear over and over is "Be sure to practice slowly." (I'm guilty of this too!) Oftenrepparttar 150601 result of this is a feeling of inhibition, which leads to tedium. Picture yourself filled with excitement and yearning in setting out to learn a new piece. Suddenly a voice fromrepparttar 150602 darkness whispers: "Don't touch those keys! Sit erect, play slowly, stay strictly in time, watch that fingering..." and your smile is gone. I'm beginning to feel a cramp just talking about it.

The fact is, a certain amount of slow practice and attention to small scale detail is absolutely necessary. But there is something lacking inrepparttar 150603 approach so many of us have taken; we set out to make music, and end up playing what amounts to no more than a series of sterile exercises.

How can we overcome this problem?

First of all, it's important to remember that music comes to life through shading, dynamics, differences in touch,repparttar 150604 shapes of its phrases,repparttar 150605 rhythmic vitality that is so much a part ofrepparttar 150606 right tempo. These qualities are all missing in a slow, rigid "practice" version of a piece. They are just as essential as correct fingering, and they don't come across without careful work.

So, perhaps we should change that rule from "Be sure to practice slowly" to "Practice as fast as possible." But Wait! This requires some further discussion. The slow part of practice helps teachrepparttar 150607 fingers where to go, and makes it mush easier to learnrepparttar 150608 work. But in order to learn how to create music, how to makerepparttar 150609 piece sing—we must practice it at a tempo that will help reveal musical relationships and subtleties of form.

Pianists must haverepparttar 150610 opportunity to experiment with touch and phrasing while practicing, and there is little chance of boredom when so many exciting elements are introduced torepparttar 150611 practice session.

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