One thing to consider before you get serious with any online MLM program you're interested in joining is: how are you going to get paid?You see, with online MLM programs of today, it's very possible that you may be
only person in your country joining a certain online MLM program and all your downlines reside in other countries across
globe. This holds especially true for some countries where internet access is not as common as in
US and most European countries.
In such condition, that certain online MLM program won't have a representative office in your country yet. This means your commisions will be paid directly from that online MLM company's head quarter.
Even if you live in
US or Europe and
online MLM company's headquarter is located in your country, it is still crucial to know
options you have in receiving
money you've earned as commision from them.
Generally speaking, there are four ways of online MLM commisions payments:
- Bank Transfer - Pay Card - Check - Paypal and other "virtual money" forms
Let's take a closer look at each of these payment methods in order of flexibility:
1. Bank Transfer
This is by far
most flexible payment form of online MLM commision payment. With this method,
MLM company orders their bank to deposit your money directly into your bank account by means of bank transfer. Typical processing time from payment until money can be used is two days until 1 week.
With this method, you will receive your money within 1 week after
payment. Since
money is in your local bank, you have
liberty of spending it any way you like, just like you would with your "normal" income.
If your online MLM has this payment option, it is best to check if they charge any bank transfer fee and whether or not they will deduct it from your payment.
Writer's suggestion: Go for this option even if you have many other payment options. This is
2. Pay Card
With this method,
MLM company will send you a Pay Card that functions as an ATM card that can be used in any ATM machine in any country that supports Visa/Mastercard transactions.
The most important feature of this method is: there is no delay between payment time until money can be used. The minute your payment is done, you can retrieve your money from almost any ATM in
world. One drawback though: for every money withdrawal transaction there is a typical withdrawal fee of around US$3 (this may vary from country to country and from bank to bank).
Only big online MLM companies can afford to this method, as Visa/Mastercard only accept reputable companies as their partners.
Writer's suggestion: Choose this method only if you don't have Bank Transfer option.
3. Check
As "offline" as it may seem, check is still
most used form on online MLM commision payment until today.