The Secret of Weight Loss

Written by Don L. Price

Inrepparttar medical community, "obesity" is generally said to be present in women with more than 30% body fat and men with more than 25% body fat. "Morbid obesity," a more serious condition still, occurs when a person is 50-100% or 100 pounds above his or her ideal body weight or has more than 39% body fat. Medical problems commonly associated with morbid obesity include diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, certain cancers (including breast and colon cancer), depression, and osteoarthritis.

Obesity amongrepparttar 135986 American population is a serious epidemic. The results of a 1999-2000 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey indicate that an estimated 64% of U.S. adults are either overweight or obese.

Millions of people approach weight control, focusing onrepparttar 135987 symptom. The symptom beingrepparttar 135988 weight itself. These people put all their energy into baking it off, working it off, starving it off, or all kinds of fad diets.

They all experiencerepparttar 135989 ups and downs onrepparttar 135990 weight charts and scale. This makes for a lot of upset and depressed people who think that they will never solverepparttar 135991 problem of eliminating, permanently, those excess pounds and inches.

The only time that anyone has to be concerned with weight control is when they are eating. The fact ofrepparttar 135992 matter is that people are concerned with weight before they eat and they beat themselves up after they eat. While people are eating there is no concern.

We spend a small amount of time each day eating and that isrepparttar 135993 only time that people have to increase their conscious awareness and focus on developing proper eating habits.

If you are overweight, you may be so because you formed a habit of eating improperly.

By re-educating your eating habits, you will find that you still enjoy eating and for much more positive reasons. You'll eliminate weight -- and you won't regain it.

The plan is very basic, simple, and easy. Every week, for a period of six weeks, you are going to practice a new and different mental exercise to help you change your eating habits.

WEEK ONE: Sit down to eat and drink. Even if it's only a piece of gum or a sip of water, sit down! This will help eliminaterepparttar 135994 unconscious snacking that is so much a part of being overweight. This also eliminates tasting foods for those who cook.

WEEK TWO: Relax! Take a minute to breathe comfortably and be thankful forrepparttar 135995 food in front of you. This will help you become aware ofrepparttar 135996 foods that you eat andrepparttar 135997 way in which you eat them.

WEEK THREE: Chew your food well. Sip your drinks. Take small bites. Depending on what you are eating, chew from 25 to 40 times with each mouthful. By consuming small portions and eating more slowly, your taste buds will have a chance to getrepparttar 135998 full and wonderful flavor fromrepparttar 135999 nutritious foods you are eating.

How to create fat burning vitality

Written by Rick Rakauskas

Copyright 2005 Rick Rakauskas

Your Breath and Your Body

If your intension is to create vitality and fitness, or maybe it's to burn fat and lean up, or maybe it's all of these things and more, and you wish too achieve lasting results, it can be of great benefit to you, to be conscious of two aspects.

I. is your breath II. is your physical body


· Be conscious, thatrepparttar way you breathe, can either,

vitalise or devitalise,

both your physical body, and your vital body (also known as your aura or your etheric body). This can have a cumulative effect on both your "mental" and "emotional bodies".

Give thought to this! A vast majority of us are walking around barely breathing in enough oxygen to blow up a balloon. No wonderrepparttar 135927 heavy feeling of depression is modern mans new up and coming dis-ease. Not even noticing how we are hold our breath when we exercise, eat, and yes - holding on to our breath when we talk, not to mention when we are sitting atrepparttar 135928 computer or working behind a desk only exasperatesrepparttar 135929 problem. Breathing not only supplies oxygen, as you breathe,repparttar 135930 oxygen inhaled purifies your blood by helpingrepparttar 135931 removal of waste products.

Non conscious irregular breathing will severely limitrepparttar 135932 processes which play a critical role in your circulatory and respiratory systems. Your heart and lungs need to work harder. Your digestion and metabolism becomes sluggish, andrepparttar 135933 faster you breathe,repparttar 135934 less you are able to live a vital life.

Oxygen deficiency is a major contributor torepparttar 135935 feelings of anxiety, stress, andrepparttar 135936 onset ofrepparttar 135937 disease process, leaving all of your organs, tissues, and cells malnourished and devitalised. All 75 Trillion of them. It is a proven scientific fact that no disease can live in a purely oxygenated state.

· Some benefits of "being conscious of your breath", are…

- Conscious rhythmic breathing, increases your rate of metabolism, which as a direct result improves digestion, and helps promote weight loss.

- Conscious rhythmic breathing, calms and steadies your mind, which as a direct result improves your focus and concentration.

- Conscious rhythmic breathing, strengthens your immune system, which as a result enables your body to live harmoniously within its environment, decreasing illness and disease.

- Conscious rhythmic breathing, gives yourepparttar 135938 ability to lower or raise your blood pressure, which as a result, improves your quality of living.

- Conscious rhythmic breathing, and an imposed rhythm onrepparttar 135939 everyday life, creates wellbeing, which as a result, creates space to experience, joy.

As one of our most brilliant, creative, and health conscious poets ofrepparttar 135940 romantic period so eloquently put it:

"He lives most life whoever breathes most air"

-Elizabeth Barrett Browning

· If it is your intention to tone up and lean up, you first of all must realise that to burn fat you need fire, and fire needs to breathe!

Three Points to Breath ~ an instruction manual, say's...

More oxygen = more fire More fire = more fuel can be burnt (fat) More fuel can be burnt = more power More power =repparttar 135941 power to shaperepparttar 135942 body

This is as true torepparttar 135943 human body as it is torepparttar 135944 combustion engine. Sure you can lose weight by starving yourself, or by minimising your fluid intake, yet with every action there is sure to be a reaction. If you evaporate one litre of water that your body is holding as fluid, you may have temporarily lost a kilogram of weight onrepparttar 135945 scales, yet as sure asrepparttar 135946 tide will turn, so willrepparttar 135947 fluid. After you have decided were it is you are going, chooserepparttar 135948 best path to get there, and choose "Knowledge as your Companion". II. Your PHYSICAL BODY


· Be conscious thatrepparttar 135949 food you eat, can either,

vitalise or devitalise,

your physical body, which has an effect on both your mental and emotional bodies.

Give thought to this!

· Fat is GOOD, here a few reasons why...

- Fats are accessed, consumed and used inrepparttar 135950 regenerative and healing process. - Fats and oils are needed to renew and build new muscle tissue.

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