The Secret System For Getting Completely Out of Debt and Reaching Financial Independence on Your Present Income, in 3 Easy Steps

Written by Henri G. Schauffler

Copyright 2003 by Henri Schauffler

All families and home biz owners have to think about debt, finances, bills and income almost every day. There is no reason to be overwhelmed by something that can actually be CHANGED. How?

This article will show you how to:

* Eliminate all of your debt (including your mortgage) in 5 - 7 years * Take control of your finances * Become financially independent (the dream of most Americans) by retirement.

The First Step is to get a copy of your CREDIT REPORT. In it you will find your entire credit history. It may be shocking to you, but it will be revealing. I suggest that you do it today. Atrepparttar bottom of this report is a link to help you get started.

The Second Step is to make a list of allrepparttar 130828 debts you have usingrepparttar 130829 "ROLL DOWN SYSTEM." This is a powerful but little known system that will allow you to pay off all your debts, including your mortgage, in halfrepparttar 130830 time or less than you may have thought possible.

Start by calculatingrepparttar 130831 entire amount you are spending on all debt payments each month, including your mortgage. Then listrepparttar 130832 credit cards, credit lines, car loans and other short term debt, fromrepparttar 130833 smallest torepparttar 130834 largest. From this time forward, simply spendrepparttar 130835 same amount each month to service your debt you have always spent. Here’srepparttar 130836 secret to accelerated payoff...

Once you have completely paid off your first debt, DO NOT begin spendingrepparttar 130837 amount ofrepparttar 130838 payment – add it torepparttar 130839 payment ofrepparttar 130840 next debt onrepparttar 130841 list! As each debt pays off, continue this process. In a year or two, you will get to...

Your MORTGAGE! But now you have considerable extra money to pay each month. Using this strategy, you should be able to pay off all your debts, including your mortgage, in 5 – 7 years! So, after you pay off everything, you can begin livingrepparttar 130842 life of Riley, right? NO!

Awareness - The Key to Personal Safety

Written by Bryan Robinson

There are many products onrepparttar market today that can be carried for personal protection. From stun guns to pepper spray to personal alarms, these items are made compact enough to carry on your keychain or in a purse. And if used properly, they can be a huge factor in prevention of crimes against people.

However, there is one tool that we all possess that can be detrimental to one's safety, and that tool is Awareness. How many times have you found yourself running errands, in a hurry, and you virtually had 'tunnel-vision'? Unaware of everything going on around you except what you were doing atrepparttar 130826 time.

A friend of mine was out of town last year and his wife, who was eight months pregnant was out shopping. At 2:00 inrepparttar 130827 afternoon in a newly developed shopping district, she was leaving a crafts store, with her arms full of shopping bags. While approaching her vehicle, a man drove up beside her to ask for directions to a mall nearby. As she started to reply, he reached out of his window and grabbedrepparttar 130828 purse that was strapped over her shoulder. She was pulled down torepparttar 130829 ground and had to let go as he drove off withrepparttar 130830 purse in his grasp. Fortunately she escaped serious injury and only personal items

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