The Secret Of Silver Jewelry

Written by George Ahrens

When we talk about precious metals we usually mean gold, platinum and another pure metal, fine silver. Silver is one ofrepparttar original materials of value mentioned inrepparttar 130545 Bible, together with other originals such as precious gemstones that existed fromrepparttar 130546 beginning of time.

This explains part ofrepparttar 130547 attraction associated with these 'non-virtual' commodities - they existed for a very long time in human history, and presumably even before. Used throughout all generations and nations they have been and are one ofrepparttar 130548 preferred ways to display symbols of value and are used as objects of beauty and style in jewelry. As a form of personal expression and 'street art'.

Thinking of fashion styles we tend to look at clothing, hair styling and makeup first. However accessories are a major part ofrepparttar 130549 outfit. Jewelry one of its coolest forms.

Why is silver jewelry one ofrepparttar 130550 constants that remain throughout history? What isrepparttar 130551 real mystery andrepparttar 130552 secret of silver? It's not only its cool attraction -- it is one ofrepparttar 130553 commodities that existed before paper money, and it will retain it's value after currencies are gone.

In a world that goes more virtual byrepparttar 130554 minute we keep a few valuables that have their own pre-set value outside our current reality. Currencies will go virtual, jewelry will not.

To give you an idea aboutrepparttar 130555 differences of investments in tangible and intangible products and how it works out in real life, let me give you an example that nearly did cost me $25.000 inrepparttar 130556 past.

Duringrepparttar 130557 first oil crisis I lived in New Zealand for a few years and had to invest my assets in appropriate channels at that time. Because back then not only oil prices went up, also other commodities such as gold and silver increased slightly in value and I decided to invest some money in metals.

After locating a company that advertised selling of gold bullion, I went to their downtown store and asked a clerk to purchase gold for about $25.000. I never did this kind of investment before and was a bit unsure about where to keep it save from curious people and forrepparttar 130558 possible event of burglars inrepparttar 130559 house.

How to Meet Excellent Single Men

Written by Terry Hernon MacDonald

So, you’re convinced that you have zero opportunities to meet men. Are you stuck in an office all day withrepparttar same stiffs day in and day out? Have you tried singles’ dances, only to leave feeling worse than when you went in? Didrepparttar 130543 last loser your aunt set you up with squash your Chihuahua when he screeched uprepparttar 130544 driveway?

Well, don’t fret. I have some ideas for you. While advice columnists steer single women into churches to meet honest, loyal, and successful men, I wouldn’t dream of it. Church is great for communing with God, but it never struck me asrepparttar 130545 best place to meet a man. People, including me, are on our best behavior at church. If you’d rather meet a man where he’s more likely to be himself, here are my top three recommendations:

1.A bar, specifically during Monday Night Football. Football season is a great time to meet men who flock to taverns to watchrepparttar 130546 NFL. When I was single, I loved going to Monday Night Football (even though I didn’t really understandrepparttar 130547 game) becauserepparttar 130548 bar was filled with mostly single men, there was a free buffet, andrepparttar 130549 atmosphere was merry. Advice columnists usually tell women to stay out of bars if they want to meet suitable men, but I disagree. It’s important to see how a man drinks, and how he behaves underrepparttar 130550 influence of alcohol. Does he get wasted and drive home? Or, does he have a couple of beers and switch to water before he leaves? Does he smackrepparttar 130551 bartender inrepparttar 130552 head when his team loses, or does he remain amiable? There are things you can learn in a bar about a man that you never will in church. Bring a friend with you and make having fun, not hooking up, your first priority. You may have to show up three weeks in a row before anybody shows interest in you (or, then again, maybe not). Keep in mind that different bars attract different types of people. If you don’t likerepparttar 130553 crowd in one bar, try another place next time.

2.A class. I know, I know. You’ve heard this one before, but have you ever tried it? Let me tell you a story: My friend Brian’s longtime girlfriend dropped him for another guy. After grieving for a while, he dusted himself off and signed up for a cooking class. See, Brian loves to cook, but he put off pursuing formal training while he was with What’s-Her-Name. Once she was out ofrepparttar 130554 picture, though, he decided to register for a course, figuring he’d meet many likeminded women there. Sure enough, he did. I advise you to write down a list of hobbies you’d like to explore and figure out which of them would also appeal to men. Then sign up for a class or join a club. See what happens.

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