Smoking can hook you because cigarettes contain nicotine which is highly addictive. But being hooked is not an excuse why you cannot quit smoking. Smoking has been proven by several researches to be great threat to one's health, that is why there is no reason why one who is already hooked to it should not quit smoking.It is tough to quit smoking. People try at least 2 to 3 times before they can finally quit smoking. It takes hard work and lots of effort but if you're really determined then you can quit smoking for good.
Why quit smoking?
There are at least five reasons why you should quit smoking.
* First, if you quit smoking, you will definitely live longer and better.
* Second, each time you smoke, you take about 5 to 20 minutes off your life. Your chance of getting lung cancer, stroke or heart attack increases if you don't quit smoking.
* Third, people you live with, especially children, will be healthier only if you stop smoking. In fact, second hand smoke is more dangerous than actual smoke users get from smoking.
* Fourth, if you quit smoking, you will have extra money to spend on other things than cigarettes.
* And lastly, if you’re pregnant, chances of having a healthier baby is more likely if you quit smoking.
So next and most crucial question is "how do I quit smoking?"
Here are five ways that can help you quit smoking: