The “SEVEN Cs”: Partnership Danger Signs - Communication Breakdown

Written by Dorene Lehavi

An ongoing series of articles exploringrepparttar seven critical areas that can indicate a partnership is in trouble. COMMUNICATION BREAKDOWN The "Seven Cs" arerepparttar 103834 danger signs that indicate your business partnership, or any partnership for that matter, is in trouble. First, and most important, in my view, isrepparttar 103835 issue of Communication Breakdown. Although my list of Seven C's refers torepparttar 103836 danger signs that partnerships are in trouble,repparttar 103837 fact is that communication breakdowns abound in all relationships. Sometimes they are serious leading to downward spiraling such as in business partnerships and marriages whererepparttar 103838 stats of breakup are astronomical. Other times they are simple miscommunications of lesser impact that don't negatively affectrepparttar 103839 relationship. As an experienced listener, sometimes I smile when I happen to hear people answerrepparttar 103840 question they think they heard and be replied to as if they answeredrepparttar 103841 question that was asked. A recipe for trouble. Thenrepparttar 103842 conversation twists and turns and no one isrepparttar 103843 wiser (but me!). What can you do to avoid these breakdowns? First and foremost be committed to open listening. Honestly, you don't have to be right allrepparttar 103844 time. Others have worthwhile opinions too. Don't set yourself up to judge. Put your agenda aside. You can always embrace it later. Allowrepparttar 103845 possibility that you have something to learn from someone else. Often what happens is that you may rejectrepparttar 103846 idea expressed but it triggers yet another idea and another. Before you know it you've both expanded your options and have created new and exciting possibilities. Or you have respectfully listened to each other's viewpoints and feelings or clearedrepparttar 103847 air about something which needed to occur before moving on torepparttar 103848 business itself.

THE “SEVEN Cs”: PARTNERSHIP DANGER SIGNS - Conflict Becoming the Norm – Part 1

Written by Dorene Lehavi

A series of articles exploringrepparttar seven critical areas that can indicate a partnership is in trouble. Conflict Becomingrepparttar 103833 Norm – Part 1 Dr. Dean Ornish, noted cardiologist, saysrepparttar 103834 greatest cause of disease isrepparttar 103835 stress that comes from conflict. Conflict is bad for your health, your personal life and definitely bad for your business. When disagreements have reachedrepparttar 103836 stage of conflict, emotions have overcomerepparttar 103837 issue. At this point no one is thinking clearly or speaking truthfully aboutrepparttar 103838 original problem. It becomes all about winning. How useful is that? You can winrepparttar 103839 battle and lose a whole lot more. Conflict becomes a nail inrepparttar 103840 coffin of your marriage, or in your business partnership. Though you may win in court, you often lose in life. This is a major component ofrepparttar 103841 scenario that accounts forrepparttar 103842 high rate of divorce in marriage and even higher rate of dissolution of business partnerships. Even if conflict doesn't reach this dramatic result, living with conflict is an unhappy, unhealthy situation. Not only does it cause you misery, but it is contagious. Employees, clients and family members feelrepparttar 103843 tension. They may be taking sides even without realizingrepparttar 103844 unspoken details ofrepparttar 103845 issue. You and your partner avoid meeting, may deteriorate into a yelling match when you do meet, or live in silence avoiding addressing other important issues as well. This is notrepparttar 103846 scenario that inspires you to get out of bed inrepparttar 103847 morning.

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