The Role Of Whey Protein In Achieving Significant Muscle Gain

Written by Rick Mitchell

Most bodybuilders would agree that supplementing with whey protein is an important element in achieving serious muscle gains. This article will examinerepparttar facts relating to whey protein as a supplement and help you decide whether you need to follow this particular strategy.

Whey protein is produced duringrepparttar 113011 process that sees milk turned into cheese. It is also found naturally in dairy products, eggs, soy and vegetable proteins but none of these compares in quality to whey protein powder. It also scores highly in providingrepparttar 113012 branched chain amino acids (BCAA's) that are important inrepparttar 113013 building and retention of muscle.

Whey protein is highly favored by bodybuilders because it providesrepparttar 113014 necessary building blocks to producerepparttar 113015 amino acids thatrepparttar 113016 body uses to build lean muscle tissue. Many studies have shown that whey protein containsrepparttar 113017 perfect combination of amino acids, in justrepparttar 113018 right concentration for optimal performance inrepparttar 113019 body. It is also thought that whey protein has a role as an anti-oxidant and immune system builder.

The Role Of Repetitions In Your Muscle Building Program

Written by Rick Mitchell

Repetitions arerepparttar basic building blocks of any strength or muscle building program but it is something that many lifters take for granted. How often do you see people atrepparttar 113010 gym speed through their reps, breathe haphazardly or fail to complete each rep correctly from a technical perspective? There is much more torepparttar 113011 simple rep than meetsrepparttar 113012 eye.

The first thing to note is that a repetition consists of three elements - namely lower, pause and lift. The speed at which this is achieved depends onrepparttar 113013 desired outcome, but to maximize muscle growth a slow, controlled tempo is required. The process should never be rushed, jerky or bouncy but instead should be controlled and smooth.

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