The Right Way to Use Other People’s Articles on Your Website

Written by Lynella Grant

Copyright 2005 Offrepparttar Page

Article Marketing Creates a Steady Flow of Fresh Content

Article writers, website owners, and site visitors all benefit through articles posted online. Simply put,repparttar 140576 author’s message gets broad exposure. Sites display their articles (some permanently), along with a link to their website. The ezine or website owner gets constantly updated content (site pages) without paying for it. That makes their website sticky - encouraging visitors to stick around. And readers get fresh, useful information on any topic imaginable.

Plenty is written to help authors write and submit their offerings (Seerepparttar 140577 extensive free how-to collected at Yet almost nothing tells website owners or editorsrepparttar 140578 best way to handle articles they use. Merely slapping a slew of articles onto your site won’t bump your search engine rankings and traffic much. Respectrepparttar 140579 Whole Article Marketing Process

1. Respectrepparttar 140580 Article Writers - Request permission before posting their article(s) - unless it’s from an article bank or permission was specifically granted - Includerepparttar 140581 writer’s Sig (signature) file atrepparttar 140582 end - Ask if that’s their current or preferred Sig - Create a live (clickable) link torepparttar 140583 author’s website - Notify authors when or where you’ve used their articles (article URL) - Build a relationship so they send their new ones

2. Respectrepparttar 140584 Search Engines - Put each article on its own page, with focused keywords inrepparttar 140585 headings (H1, H2, H3) andrepparttar 140586 header title and tags - Cluster articles around specific topics - Frequently add new content related to your theme(s) - Provide internal links and a site map

3. Respect Your Website Visitors or Ezine Readers - Search for meaty information and organize your site so it’s easy to find - Steer clear of thinly-disguised sales letters - Don’t provide a home for crappy articles - reject poorly written ones - Repair broken links and remove out-of-date articles

Both Types of Website Visitors have Different Motivations

Human readers and search engine spiders look for different things on your website. Strive to make them both happy. Readers want relevant information; while search spiders focus on keywords and links. Fortunately, considering both their preferences makes your website stand out from similar ones. People prefer articles that provide specifics - practical how-to, examples and stories. In-depth articles attract people with a serious interest inrepparttar 140587 topic (and hence more likely to subscribe or buy). Your website gets a reputation for knowing its stuff - which cements its credibility within that niche.

Test Marketing a New Product – Before You Create It

Written by Jim Green

Crazy notion perhaps but I’ve forged ahead and done it anyway: slung up a temporary site with a sales pitch for a product which I have yet to create - and cheekily signed off with a visitor survey request.

But why you might reasonably ask.

It’s this way: I’ve launched dozens of self-generated information products overrepparttar years; some became winners when I doubted they would, others bombed and disappeared without a trace when I was sure they would prove successful.

So I decided on a different approach for this embryo innovation in an endeavour to establish whatrepparttar 140513 market will bear.

You see,repparttar 140514 optimist in me is 100 percent convinced about this yet-to-be-created merchandise and I’d buy it for sure as it stands in limbo (but then I’m a sucker for a good sales pitch).

Would anyone else buy it though?

Hencerepparttar 140515 test beforerepparttar 140516 tweaks…

Testing and tweaking arerepparttar 140517 operative words because before I pressrepparttar 140518 button on production this time I want to elicit an indication of prospective consumer reaction to…

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