The Right ApproachWritten by Ransy Reynis
To Fat Discover Truth about overweight problemThe Right Approach As you read this over 25% of woman and 25% of men in USA are trying to lose weight. I know this is no new news to you but this is really scaring me that over 300,000 died last year due to weight related causes and over 60% of Americans are considered overweight. Overweight Americans spend $700 more a year on medical bills then those who are not overweight that is a total of $93 billion in extra medical expenses per year. The keys to losing weight is proper nutrition and exercise. But for many that still may not be enough. I think it is really sad that over 95% of people who diet regain their weight they lost as soon as they finish their diet and most of those who are on diet all time only gain more weight and become more and more overweight. There are thousands of weight loss programs and products on market today but non of them take focus on 3 most important factors that is system that works on 3 major metabolic processes at same time. These three systems are (1) Thermogenesis, physiological production of heat to burn calories; (2) normal healthy Glucose/insulin response, which helps reduce desire for carbohydrates; (3) and cortisol control. Cortisol acts as a signal to our fat cells to hold onto as much fat as possible. Controlling these three metabolic conditions, on top of an appropriate diet and exercise program, gives people added effect of changing their metabolism so that they can lose weight. The truth is, most weight management approaches fail because our bodies adapt to create defense systems to thwart efforts on only one regulatory system. That’s why it’s important to target weight management with a synergistic, whole body approach that addresses wide variety of factors contributing to weight management.
| | It's time we take our homes back!Written by Bruce Bowery
How long will we continue to be blind to fact that we are putting ourselves and our loved ones at risk every day in our own homes? Are you aware that over 90% of poisonings occur in homes, and more than 53% involve children ages 6 and under? It sure must be nice for big companies who spend millions of dollars every year in advertising not to have to disclose any information about health risk associated with their products. Only 1% of toxins are required to be listed on labels, and worse yet, government acknowledges that these cleaning products are hazardous, but regulation only requires labels to indicate if they are combustible, corrosive, poison, caution and so on.