The Real Dangers to Kids Online and How to Avoid Them

Written by Joshua Finer

Did you know

·1 out of 5 kids has been sexually solicited online ·1 out of 4 kids has been sent a picture of naked people or people having sex online ·that May 21, 2002 there wasrepparttar first death of a child linked directly to an Internet Predator?

Parents' biggest concern aboutrepparttar 111555 Internet used to be pornography, but there is definitely a greater fear today.

You have probably taught your child not to talk to strangers, and in many situations, they would remember this. Butrepparttar 111556 Internet is different.

Due torepparttar 111557 Internet's anonymity, strangers are talking to children allrepparttar 111558 time. They try to gainrepparttar 111559 child's trust by having friendly conversation at first, but over time, their true objective of sexually solicitingrepparttar 111560 child becomes evident. Children and parents alike are unaware of this, yet this is exactly what is going on viarepparttar 111561 Internet.

What can today's parent do? Armed with information, there's quite a bit a parent can do.'s Top 5 Internet Safety Tips

1. Tell your child to NEVER EVER reveal their name, address, phone number or any other personal information to ANYONE online. Once you give out this information, it is impossible to retract.



African young girls are always onrepparttar go atrepparttar 111554 earlier age of about 9 years. Loving blindly without taking into accountrepparttar 111555 consequences:

The argument over abortion is rarely waged with much reference to reason. Our courage and determination usually make as illogical. Whenrepparttar 111556 issue at stake is whether to legalize it, many arguerepparttar 111557 moral issue rather thanrepparttar 111558 simple legal question of who should makerepparttar 111559 decision. The story I am narrating avoids much of this debate and in steady homes in onrepparttar 111560 decision that are actually being taken young African women who have had unplanned pregnancies

The choices, ranging from quick abortions to fatal poisoning and keepingrepparttar 111561 baby. Are always made with little outside help. One ofrepparttar 111562 women interviewed decided to give mothered a try!

The pressure society places on young women who have children out of wedlock is enormous. Because abortions are virtually taboo, they decision to keeprepparttar 111563 baby or terminaterepparttar 111564 pregnancy is often made unaided. O what extent then does this pressure and panicked decision-making lead to unnecessary abortion?

When a young unmarried girl discovers that she is pregnancy, she is often forced to struggle with difficult questions about life, responsibility and sometimes death, should she keeprepparttar 111565 baby or have an abortion? Shouldrepparttar 111566 reaction ofrepparttar 111567 baby’s father have any bearing on this decision? Should she tell her parents and risk losing their emotional and financial support? Is she ready forrepparttar 111568 devastating effect having a baby or an abortion will have on her life?

Now, inrepparttar 111569 cases ofrepparttar 111570 like makingrepparttar 111571 right choices easy and neither is leaving withrepparttar 111572 decisions whether they are right or wrong.

Here are what three of many interviewed women had to say: ANNA SAMSON (16) a clergyman’s daughter brought up under certain Christian family had been looking at her underwear for a week now wondering whether her period would come. She suspected that she was pregnant but was hoping against hope that she was not! With no source of income to support a growing child, her mind was almost made up as to what she would do should be confirm her suspicious.

“ I decided to have an abortion, and opted not to tellrepparttar 111573 father ofrepparttar 111574 child” She says. He was a student and had no job and prospects and she felt that it would not helprepparttar 111575 situation in any way had he known. “ Once I made my mind.” She calls “All I could think of was how soon I could endrepparttar 111576 whole thing.”

She did not want her parents back home to find out. And with a help of a friend (School- mate) she managed to raise Tsh 35000(USD 39) to pay forrepparttar 111577 secret operation, which was successful. She doesn’t think that she did anything wrong, givenrepparttar 111578 situation she was in.

“If we dead and slipped into oblivion, may berepparttar 111579 fate would be kinder.” This isrepparttar 111580 thought that first came intorepparttar 111581 mind of 18-years old that first KABULA MAKOYE before she killed her two-day-old baby girl by throwing her into a pit. She felt that she could no longer bearrepparttar 111582 cruelty of her for having given birth out of wedlock.

“My mother was abusing me every time with claims that I have disgraced them. Recall Kabula who dropped out of school, got pregnant while working as a barmaid in Mwanza town Tanzania. She was not ready frorepparttar 111583 baby because of poverty surrounded their family because of poverty surrounded their family and because she could not tell whorepparttar 111584 baby’s father was (as a barmaid she had almost six casual boyfriends) After killing her baby she decided to poison herself, and was caught on process by her father.

“I think I am pregnant” 19 years old MARIA OLARE said to her boyfriend early in 2001. She was apprehensive because every morning, she wakeup feeling tired and sick. She was notrepparttar 111585 only one suspected pregnancy; three months Into it, her mother Susan sensed that something was wrong.

Beingrepparttar 111586 eldest girl in her family, she feared that she would be accused of setting a bad example for her younger sister. And how would her strict father react? “We were great friends, but when he learned of it from his wife that their elder daughter was pregnant, he was speechless. Completely changed.” She says.

Although she felt guilt, she believed that her father’s reaction was excessive. Not once did she consider terminatingrepparttar 111587 pregnancy.

These are but a few tough choices always being taken blindly by our sister daily following unplanned pregnancies. Reasoned discussion of these issues should makerepparttar 111588 choices a little clearer forrepparttar 111589 girls forced to make these tough decisions.

PENURY AMID PLENTY Who owns our natural resources? Whyrepparttar 111590 people are so poor and desperate in rich Lake Victoria Basin

Lake Victoria (Nyanza as called by local people) isrepparttar 111591 second biggest Lake inrepparttar 111592 world andrepparttar 111593 father to Egyptian riches, 40 years ago it had over 320 old fish species; now it possesses only eight species1 It’s basin is potentiallyrepparttar 111594 riches region in East Africa and occupied by so poor people, it’s environment in such deep criss1 Why?

The Lake’s resource wealth is further increased byrepparttar 111595 fact that its soils are amongrepparttar 111596 most fertile in East Africa. The varied and rich cultures of its peoples, its breath taking scenery and abundant wildlife andrepparttar 111597 thorough vastness ofrepparttar 111598 Lake make it potentially a prime tourism destination.

Factor in region’s capacity for agricultural variety output, industry, hydro- electricity,repparttar 111599 gold and other mineral deposit in such places as Tarime, Serengeti, Musoma, Geita and Kahama in Tanzania, and Macalder in Kenya. And again, you are looking atrepparttar 111600 richest region in East Africa. Yet, The people of this great Lake;repparttar 111601 Luo, sukuma, Haya, Baganda etc. are amongrepparttar 111602 poorest inrepparttar 111603 world. Official statistics put poverty level at an average of 49% of East African population. Malnutrition is wider spread, high child mortality, protein deficiency in this protein rich Zone. Add to this,repparttar 111604 economy, social and environmental cost ofrepparttar 111605 deadly HIV/AIDS, whose incidence inrepparttar 111606 Lake world and a stern picture begins to look very sad.

There are many activities taking place daily in and aroundrepparttar 111607 lake: agriculture, Fishing, Irrigation, Mining etc. But all in vain! The people remain poor amid all riches; they are yet to enjoyrepparttar 111608 fruits of being granted with this golden prize. Most are blaming their governments for not implementing effective strategies towardsrepparttar 111609 basin development.

Waste inrepparttar 111610 Lake Victoria basin is a two-way highway. *Flowing down intorepparttar 111611 Lake isrepparttar 111612 waste and high population generated upstream and taken through by twenty big feeder rivers (10 in Kenya, 6 in Tanzania and 4 in Uganda). All these and other smaller ones drain their contents intorepparttar 111613 Lake, taking with themrepparttar 111614 same severe disease. Untreated sewage from municipalities, rural towns and village, toxic effluent from industries and sediments (which is carried in huge tonnage daily)

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