The REAL people's war!: 'great satan'Written by James Sorrell
[ "The trouble with ignorance is that you don't know it when you need it!"---Jim Sorrell ] For years ignorance & emotion has clouded issue when Arabs, or anyone else, point to some country or people and call them "the great satan"! (As Iraq cleric al-Sadr has done.) When will people learn that Satan, himself, IS 'great satan'? [The very real, as Real as YOU are, fallen angel Lucifer, who incites and murders human race daily.] With fallen angel's negative, manipulative influence gone, a lot of human race's problems would vanish overnight! We only need to learn how they function (tampering with our thoughts, feelings & emotions, and then inciting us against each other), and then ignore them by instituting a planet-wide truce between all people while we sort out our own humanity!
| | What about those Pyramids?Written by Robert Bruce Baird
'Mr. Rhodes aspired to be creator of one of those vast semi-religious, quasi-political associations which, like Jesuits have played so large a part in history of world. To be more strictly accurate, he wished to found an Order ... and while he lived, he dreamed of being both its Caesar and its Loyola.' - W.T. Stead”He did it because of what he saw and learned in King's Chamber - we blanche because we have to listen to these nauseating and transparent fluff artists like 'Amazing' Randi. Hawass is a spokesperson for Cayce who was a Mason like his father. The list goes on and on. Is there any better evidence of a total disregard for honest scholarship? It certainly is a confusing array of nefarious intent, as we see it. No we can't possibly do justice