The REAL Secret of Success

Written by Angie Dixon

I used to see a chiropractor who handed out a little leaflet entitled “Dr. Hickman’s Guide to Success in Business.” It was very nice, had his picture onrepparttar front and was professionally printed. Onrepparttar 129468 inside it said, “Get a job and go to work every morning.”

There is a secret to success, believe it or not, and I’m going to tell you what those people who are “successful” do, that people who are “not successful” do not do, either because they’re unwilling or because they don’t know it would makerepparttar 129469 difference.

Successful people dorepparttar 129470 things no one likes to do.

They dorepparttar 129471 “grunt work” of marketing and running their businesses. They stuff envelopes. They follow up with prospects. They dorepparttar 129472 research and find web sites willing to link to them. They do what no one else wants to do, and it pays off.

We're Good at the Things We Like

Written by Angie Dixon

Read that again. It doesn’t say “We likerepparttar things we’re good at,” though that’s true as well. No, it says we’re good atrepparttar 129466 things we like. That statement was made to me just today in reference to something I hate to do and am not very good at. I just nodded, thinking I’d heard itrepparttar 129467 other way around, or that my sister had said it backwards. Then she repeated it and said, “It worksrepparttar 129468 other way around, too, but we’re good atrepparttar 129469 things we like.”

It’s true. If we like something we’re willing to putrepparttar 129470 time into it to learn how to do it, for starters. Such is true with my “hate to do,” search engine optimization. Books on SEO make my eyes glaze over. Listening to someone talk about how to do it makes my ears glaze over. I hate it. It’s not interesting to me, and I’m not good at it.

Onrepparttar 129471 other hand, I’m great at making web sites. I used to do it for a living and still design my own sites most ofrepparttar 129472 time when I’m developing a site for a business or my personal use. The first time I picked up a book on web design, nearly a decade ago now, I knew this was something I could do. I LIKED it. And I’m good at it.

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