The Pursuit of Happiness

Written by Kali Munro

Imagine someone holding a glass full of clean, fresh water and complaining about thirst. Likely you'd suggest they first take a sip fromrepparttar glass in their hand.

Happiness is similar. Everyone wants to be happy, but not everyone knows how to recognize and stay with it; they're always looking for more. The search for happiness is lost when it becomes an insatiable pursuit for getting more.

The difference betweenrepparttar 123685 two is likerepparttar 123686 difference between savouring and lingering overrepparttar 123687 sweetness and flavour of a mango, and quickly gobbling it up before eatingrepparttar 123688 next sweet. The pursuit becomesrepparttar 123689 focus, rather thanrepparttar 123690 experience orrepparttar 123691 satisfaction that comes from what we do have.

This endless pursuit for happiness can consume us for all of our lives. We may think that once we have more money, a relationship, or that perfect job we'll be happy, yet when we get there we find it's not what we'd hoped for, or we don't takerepparttar 123692 time to really enjoy it.

There is always something more to be pursued, bought, owned, done, that we rarely enjoy what is in front of us. Evenrepparttar 123693 search for spirituality is pursued in this manner. People go from spiritual leader to leader searching for meaning, often going as far as India to find fulfillment.

The pattern is easily recognizable, and we can all fall into it with thoughts like "when I do...own...have...get...go to... I'll be happy", or "if only...would happen." Butrepparttar 123694 truth is once whatever is sought after is obtained, we're off looking forrepparttar 123695 next thing. We rarely stop and simply enjoy what is happening right now or fully appreciate what we have.

Some believe this constant desire and pursuit for more is rooted in our biology — that it helped us to survive when we didn't have allrepparttar 123696 conveniences that are available to us today. Some believe that this pursuit is rooted in a society that emphasizes consumerism, and another view is that it reflects an alienation from ourselves and one other.

2003 Resolutions - Define Your Intent !!

Written by Miami Phillips

Several articles and newsletters withrepparttar message that New Year’s resolutions are a worthless exercise and a poorly disguised setup for failure have passed across my desk this last week.

I do not believe in failure! There is always something good to be found in any learning experience. Besides, if we always succeeded at everything we did, we would not know we succeeded because there would be nothing to measure success against! (But that is not today’s topic!)

Certainly,repparttar 123684 normal statements alongrepparttar 123685 lines of losing weight, quitting smoking, etc. are normally an invitation to be unsuccessful. The reason being that if you could not findrepparttar 123686 power before to achieve this, what would be different about now?

However, here are some ideas for you to consider that could possibly have a huge impact on your life this coming year.

1.Define your Self. Who are you? What do you stand for? What arerepparttar 123687 values that make you whole? Begin this task immediately and put it in writing. Refer to it often. Refine it continually as you discover things about your Self you did not know. Start withrepparttar 123688 following premise, which many of us have. You are not your work, your family or anything else external. You are internal. You are you.

2.What is your dream forrepparttar 123689 future? This is your intent. If it remains undefined and unrecognized, it will most likely never be created into reality. The reason for this is that you have to create your own reality. If you do not begin with this first step of intent to create, nothing can happen. Everything that ever is, was first a thought; then spoken, then acted upon. Of course this concept is much easier said than done. May I suggest that you not concern yourself withrepparttar 123690 HOW and only concern yourself withrepparttar 123691 intent? The HOW is not really in your power at this time. You need help with that.

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