The Problem with the Affiliate System

Written by Rick Hendershot

I've recently been reminded that product reviews and recommendations from "affiliates" are completely unreliable and untrustworthy.

Anybody who has dabbled in web marketing knows that a prime source of revenue for web marketers is selling "affiliate" products. If you don't have your own product — and many of us do not — then all you have to do is get your web visitors to click thru to "gurus" like Jim Daniels, Cory Rudl, or Ken Evoy, and they will gladly give you anywhere from 25% to 60% ofrepparttar retail price just forrepparttar 102357 click thru.

Everybody inrepparttar 102358 business seems to think this is a wonderful system. What could be better? You build traffic to your site and gradually gain credibility as a reliable source of marketing information. And you leaverepparttar 102359 product development torepparttar 102360 guys who really know what they're doing.

You send themrepparttar 102361 prospects. They send yourepparttar 102362 checks. Cha-ching.

Just another "marketing expert"

Unfortunatelyrepparttar 102363 only products worth selling are "info-products" that pay large commissions. Companies that sell "real" products like golf balls, computers, and books pay such a small commission it is hardly worth your while sticking their link on your site.

So this means that in order to make money as an affiliate, you have to become another ofrepparttar 102364 thousands of Mini Marketing Gurus out there. And because there are so many of us, your chances of actually making any money are pretty slim.

Mini Gurus are just lemmings

Even worse, while you build your business and (maybe) develop your own products and services, you must prostitute yourself torepparttar 102365 gurus who already haverepparttar 102366 products.

Because as far as I can tellrepparttar 102367 "affiliate" relationship turns us into lemmings.

It encourages newly created Mini Gurus to latch onto affiliate products in an absolutely uncritical way. Many of these products are nothing more than glorified "how to" manuals, but intense hype by experienced marketers turns them into "super products". And a bevy of willing affiliates cannot offer objective information about them because they think their livelihood depends on selling them.

For instance, Ken Evoy has thousands and thousands of affiliates for his SiteSell products -- including his flagship product called Site Build It. Do you thinkrepparttar 102368 fact that someone stands to make money by selling a product affects his or her objectivity about it?

"AdWords + ClickBank" Breaks PROFIT Records

Written by Fazly Mohamed

The latest trend in online marketig today is running Google AdWords campaigns to market ClickBank products. This article explains everything in layman style, so if you are familiar with some concept, please skip that section. Make sure you save this valuable article to refer later.

What are AdWords? Can you picturerepparttar small rectangular boxes that appear next to Google search results? If you cannot, goto Google now and make a search to find out related advertisements to that particular search in small boxes next torepparttar 102356 search results. These are called AdWords. Goto to get an idea about this, before you readrepparttar 102357 rest of this article.

What is ClickBank? It's one ofrepparttar 102358 major eBook and Software companies inrepparttar 102359 market today and known to pay very high commission rates to its affiliates. With their huge catalog, it's not difficult to search a product to suit any target market, andrepparttar 102360 average profit you can make per item sold is around $10 mark. They pay you bi-weekly with a minimum payout of $10, to any country inrepparttar 102361 world. Which simply means, if you can search and recommend a product to some of your friends by email with a special link ClickBank gives you, and if only one person buys, you can get a paycheck addressed to your home. If you don't have an account with them, get one for free and browserepparttar 102362 site to get an idea. Goto

Why ClickBank and AdWords? ClickBank products are easily sellable and AdWords gives yourepparttar 102363 chance to meet a target market. Whatsrepparttar 102364 difference between targeted and untargeted markets? If there are 100 click throughs to a motor parts website and ifrepparttar 102365 visitors are sent in from a Humor site,repparttar 102366 sales ratio would be much lesser compared to a visiotor stream from a Vehicle site. More relatedrepparttar 102367 product torepparttar 102368 visitor is, a better sales ratio you can expect. Highly targeted market means there is a very close relationship betweenrepparttar 102369 user's interests andrepparttar 102370 product.

Google AdWords can give you a very cost effective way to reach highly targeted markets. Your ads have a great exposure, as they will also be shown on Google partner search engines and in many websites, while making sure thatrepparttar 102371 ad will only be shown to targeted visitors. You will only pay forrepparttar 102372 clicks, notrepparttar 102373 impressions - you don't pay for showing your ad. As an example, if you pay $0.20 per visitor and if it takes 20 visitors per sale (since it's highly targeted traffic), and if you average profit is $10 per item, you spend 20 * $0.20 = $4 dollars per sale to make a $10 profit. A very good return on investment.

The results can be so much better or can berepparttar 102374 worst, depending on how you managerepparttar 102375 campaigns. If you have a great knowledge on how google AdWords works, optimizing techniques, how to manage your budget and how to keeprepparttar 102376 costs low while maintaining a good click through ratio (thus in turnrepparttar 102377 sales ratio).

This is a whole new business and comes with an initial investment with an operating cost while gaining a very good profit in return. The investment is really low, considering an investment for an offline business, and evenrepparttar 102378 break even time is much smaller, whilerepparttar 102379 profit is very good.

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