The Problem with Advertising

Written by Christopher Given Dip in Bus Admin, Cert in Mgt, ACMI

The Problem with Advertising

by Christopher Given

Advertising can be a highly effective way to increase your customer or client base when it's done well.

But for many businesses it's ineffective, because either ads are badly written, not advertised inrepparttar right media - orrepparttar 100846 ad is okay, but you're paying way too much forrepparttar 100847 ad space.

Yet, businesses keep promoting inrepparttar 100848 same media, over and over again. This is insane!

You must check, and measure an advert's success.!

Let's get one thing perfectly clear. Advertising is about making money. Now, there's nothing wrong with that - just as long asrepparttar 100849 advertiser provides a great service forrepparttar 100850 client, if a client is happy - they should return to userepparttar 100851 service again. Alas, many web sites DON'T.

How to Increase Your Sales by as Much as 300 Percent

Written by Robert Culpepper

Are you struggling to get traffic to your new website. If you are like I was when I first started you are so overwhelmed byrepparttar sheer magnitude of it all that you just don't know where to start. May I offer you a surefire suggestion in gettingrepparttar 100845 word out about your site or product?

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Top Seven Tips for Writing Articles onrepparttar 100847 Internet

12 Tips for Writing Articles onrepparttar 100848 Internet

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