The Principle of Abundance

Written by Mandie Crawford

One ofrepparttar first great things I learned when starting my business, is that there are two ways of thinking. You can believe that there is more than enough business to go around or you can haverepparttar 103733 scarcity mentality. Either way you believe you are probably right.

The principal of abundance promotesrepparttar 103734 belief that not only is there enough business to go around, and thatrepparttar 103735 universe has room for us all to benefit equally, but also commands us to give away what we have. This means giving referrals, ideas, assistance and any other thing you can think of to help others. It means that we build people, relationships and help others because we know and believe that somehow, some day it will all come back to us. It also promotes win-win situations.

The scarcity mentality advocates holding onto whatever it is you have for fear that someone else may take it. That means holding onto your cash, your ideas, your time and your clients as tightly as you can. It means that when you find a client you do everything within your power to hold onto that client for fear thatrepparttar 103736 ‘competition’ might take them away. In fact people who operate underrepparttar 103737 scarcity mentality often base many of their decisions on what their competition and others do. And that is operating out ofrepparttar 103738 fear that someone will get more than you will or will succeed before you do.

I have learned thatrepparttar 103739 only shortages we face are in our own minds. And thatrepparttar 103740 more we give of our approval, our time, our smiles, our energy, our wisdom and our ideasrepparttar 103741 more accepted, less stressed, happy, energetic, wise and creative we become. Building people and relationships can serve bothrepparttar 103742 ‘giver’ andrepparttar 103743 ‘getter’. There is enough for everyone!

Quantum Success Thinking

Written by Mandie Crawford

It sounds simple- right? You are where you THINK you are! And it is simple but do we practice it? Of course we are where we think we are! The question is where do YOU think you are?

It’s a principle I talk about allrepparttar time. Everything we do, we create in our minds before we do anything. The cars we drive,repparttar 103732 house we live in all began as a thought in someone’s mind. Our minds are incredible tools, machines that are efficient and creative. But did you know that allrepparttar 103733 things we do, even things as simple as tying our shoes, our brain completes before we do them. It may be as simple as your brain replayingrepparttar 103734 tape that tells you how to tie your shoe, that we do not notice playing inrepparttar 103735 background of our consciousness. It is simple. We manifest what we think.

How often have you struggled on your journey to reach a goal or a dream? Many of us spend time planning how we will achieve our ‘success’. And we trudge on, keeping our eye onrepparttar 103736 goal, orrepparttar 103737 reward of reachingrepparttar 103738 goal. We make progress, year after year we get closer and closer. However, what we do not realize is that instead of spending so much time concentrating on what is going on around us in each small situation, we need to realize and see that what we want to become we already are. And wherever we want to go, we are already there.

“I want to open a chapel where I can perform marriage ceremonies in a non-denominational setting that is serene and beautiful, and reminds people of their creator”, is what my friend told me. We talked for a while about where she wanted to be. Then I looked her right inrepparttar 103739 eye and told her, “You are already there.” She looked at me at first in disbelief. She told me she could seerepparttar 103740 place in her mind, she could smell it, feelrepparttar 103741 breeze outsiderepparttar 103742 chapel. There was no doubt she had achievedrepparttar 103743 visualization part. However, visualization is only part of it. What she needed to do, was to involve her belief.

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