The Pressure of Their World

Written by Nancy R. Fenn

Parents who have introverted children wonder how to help them build a positive self image. We understand today that Introversion is a legitimate personality type. But not too long ago, introverts were labeled as “neurotic” or “loners”. Introverted children can be misunderstood at school and with relatives. It is our loving job as parents to advocate for our introverted children. But first we must understand and support their needs ourselves.

I recently interviewed Susan Harbison, an introvert andrepparttar mother of one year old Emma Kate, also an introvert. Listen as Susan describes her experiences with her daughter. Notice Emma Kate’s introverted characteristics. Already at one year old, she is territorial, intense, hasrepparttar 123459 ability to focus and concentrate, gravitates away from people and things and is not always “friendly” by extrovert definitions.

Susan Harbison begins speaking about herself and her daughter, Emma Kate.

“As an introvert it is a delicate and thorny blessing to witnessrepparttar 123460 new life process of my tiny daughter, an introvert as well. It is delicate when I smoothly dorepparttar 123461 right thing, easily solverepparttar 123462 problem or brilliantly stoprepparttar 123463 tantrum because I understand her so well.

“It is thorny when I say ‘she is an introvert’ and people shush me quickly saying ‘you don't know that yet...maybe she's just taking it all in and she'll berepparttar 123464 life ofrepparttar 123465 party when she grows up.’

“I did not know that what I am, what I identify with in my own child, is something to be avoided. The more people make excuses for Emma Kate’s intensity,repparttar 123466 more I am offended for myself. Like her, I was never mean-spirited or spoiled, loud or obnoxious, grasping or needy ... and like her I was pitied. People held out hope that I would some day be nothing like myself and everything more like them…. “For some perverse reason, human beings are attracted to someone that won’t pay attention to them. This poses a problem for my one-year-old daughter who can entertain herself and like most introverts, gravitates away from people and things. Emma Kate is a magnet for people who want to pick her up and have that attention for themselves. The minute they get it, they put her down somewhere else because they have lost interest.

Remember, Worse Things Can Happen At Sea, So.....Don't Ever Quit!

Written by Richard Vegas

Throughoutrepparttar many pages of scores of motivational books, withrepparttar 123458 Bible being atrepparttar 123459 forefront, we are encouraged to "not give up." We are told to believe that we can come through any situation and be victorious in life. Ask yourself this question: Am I up-beat or am I beat-up?

Focus On Winning!

No matter what you are going through, set your focus onrepparttar 123460 winning side. Understand that winning is a process, not an event; because just as soon as one challenge is over, you'll be faced with another one.

We are constantly inrepparttar 123461 process of being victorious, or deciding to quit. Oh… Ugly word. You notice I didn't say we are inrepparttar 123462 process of winning or failing. No no. We are not designed to fail. We are designed to win, win, win!

I can hear someone now, "well, why do I always end up as lucky asrepparttar 123463 only man in a women's prison with a fist full of pardons? Because somewhere alongrepparttar 123464 road you have developed a quitters mindset. Now, don't get mad at me, stay with me.

Quit Like A Bad Habit!

I didn't say, you always quit, or, that you always lose. But, there is a mind-set that can become so subtle, that it will cause us to focus onrepparttar 123465 fear of failure or quitting. If a person is plagued with this mind-set, he will waffle back and forth betweenrepparttar 123466 fear of failure and quitting constantly.

Why? Well, because neither one is really what his heart wants to do. He really doesn't want to choose to do either one. Down deep inside he knows he was created to win. But, circumstances seem to always get him barking uprepparttar 123467 wrong tree for a bone.

He knows he hasrepparttar 123468 qualities to become every thing in life he desires to be. Audibly, he may say, "he's dumber than a bag of hammers." In his heart he knows that's not true.

Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea!

But, there always seems to be a demon or some gremlin that wants to eat his lunch. Consequently, as time goes along, he develops a mind-set of quitting and failure. He just becomes beat-up!

Then there develops an emotion inside him that just says, "Whatever". And, thenrepparttar 123469 baptism of fire in his belly burns out like day old ashes. Once this happens,repparttar 123470 series of failures and times of quitting become every day occurrences till you finally hear him saying, "Frankly Scarlet, I don't give a da**."

He becomes very unhappy with himself but doesn't know how to turn it around. So, his life becomes a cycle of ups and downs, mostly downs. Without that fire of desire, he loses his passion. Without a passion, he has no focus, goal, or reason to live.

Pull Yourself Up By The Boot Straps!

At one time or another we are all faced with obstacles and challenges that look like they're going to bust our chops. The unfortunate thing is; usually life will not turnrepparttar 123471 circumstances around on its own.

Therefore, we can sometimes find ourselves onrepparttar 123472 back side ofrepparttar 123473 desert for long periods of time before something happens to turnrepparttar 123474 tide. And, usuallyrepparttar 123475 tide turns only when we takerepparttar 123476 initiative and rid ourselves ofrepparttar 123477 fear of failure and that quitting mind-set.

Failure and quitting are not options for us. Let me qualify something here and now. Listen to this closely. Failure is not an event that killsrepparttar 123478 project and then all our efforts cease. Failure is an attitude. That is why we can be failing even beforerepparttar 123479 result is in.

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