The Power of Vision

Written by David Wood

The Power of Vision You've probably heard a lot about creating a vision, and possibly affirmations. Is it all new-age mumbo jumbo? I say no. If we really want to create something new in life, it simply makes sense to work out what that is, and then create a structure to constantly remind yourself. To keep it real. To keep you inspired, motivated. I'm happy to be able to share this great article from a client of mine which suggests how to do just that..... 'EACH DAY DREAM A LITTLE DREAM... ..even if it is only in your head it will soon be in your life. A while back I was focused on all that was lacking in my life. My focus each morning as I woke seemed to gravitate to all I didn't have and all I didn't want to have happen. I struggled and struggled until one day it hit me. I was separated from what I truly desired in life in fact I didn't even know what I wanted I had no vision - nothing to desire. You see those feelings of stress and worries were a sign. A sign letting me know that what I was focussed on was not bringing me peace in my life. This focus onrepparttar lack in my life was zapping me ofrepparttar 122670 energy needed to be creative and to seizerepparttar 122671 opportunities that lay before me. The day I made that agreement with myself wasrepparttar 122672 day I realized that I had a choice in where I place my focus. When my focus was on what I was lacking I would feel stress and worry where as when my focus was on what I desired I felt feelings of peace within myself. This taught merepparttar 122673 importance of having a vision. For when I continued to focus on my dreams and picture those dreams coming true in my liferepparttar 122674 feeling of peace evolved into excitement and passion to seizerepparttar 122675 moment I had in front of me. When we are focused on our dreams we have no room in our minds for thoughts of worry. Our vision creates positive thoughts, and therefore positive feelings. Your vision is your guide that will lead you to all that is possible in life. All a vision needs is some nurturing and it will then nurture you. This is your time to create a vision in your life. Think of what is important to you and what you want to see come into your life and then dorepparttar 122676 following exercises.

Learn to Say No

Written by David Wood

Learn to Say No How many times have you agreed to do something that you actually didn’t want to do? For someone at work? Your friends? Even your spouse? All you had to do was say no, butrepparttar word didn’t come out. So you end up doing it…and later resent it. A coaching client said to me she was agreeing to things she didn’t want to do, but for some reason, she felt obliged to do them. Instead of taking enjoyment inrepparttar 122669 task, she would later feel angry with herself and resentful towardsrepparttar 122670 person she had said ‘yes’ to. So then she went on to list further reasons why she wanted to say no. I stopped her by saying, “You are even justifying yourself to me!” We feel we have to justify ourselves and give extremely good reasons for saying no. Even whenrepparttar 122671 reason is simply: “I don’t want to.” Check-in With Yourself I asked my client what was one thing she could do to work on this. She suggested she start checking in with herself before saying yes or no. You can ask yourself, “Is this right for me?” Support yourself in doing what feels right and well with you. And if it’s not something for you, try expressing that no. Have Fun With It! Saying no doesn’t have to be serious or angry. My client also wanted to lighten up, so I recommended she try stirring it up a little, to have fun with it. You can try out different responses like, “Nope, never as long as I live” or “Baby sit your kids - are you crazy?” What are some other great responses you can try to make 'saying no' more fun? Make a List I suggested my client listrepparttar 122672 areas and people in her life where she hadrepparttar 122673 most trouble saying no. I told her it was up to her what to do with that list. Where do you have trouble saying no? Is it perhaps time to have some honest conversations with people?

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