The Power of Reverse Advertising

Written by Steve Tanner

Copyright 2005 OneForce Marketing

How many times have you heard that posting on FFA sites are a complete waste of time?

Are FFA sites really a complete waste of time? ...Yes they are!

Then why do millions of people still post on FFA pages every single day ofrepparttar year.

It sure beats me!

The ONLY people gaining from FFA sites arerepparttar 108593 people that 'HOST' them.

"WHY?"... I hear you ask. Well listen very carefully.

Everytime somebody wants to post on a FFA site, they have to receive an email confirmation and agree to receive ONE email fromrepparttar 108594 person who hostsrepparttar 108595 FFA page.

So, let's say I wanted to post on YOUR FFA page. I submit my link on your page and receive an email confirmation.

Now, apart fromrepparttar 108596 confirmation link, can you guess what else may be in that confirmation email?

That's right my friend... YOUR AD promoting YOUR product!

This is what's known as 'Reverse Advertising' and is an ingenious form of advertising forrepparttar 108597 FFA host because it is a REQUIREMENT that they open your confirmation email sent to them by YOU, 'the FFA host', before their AD can be placed.

Home Business Reality Is A Hard Pill To Swallow

Written by Mal Keenan

Copyright 2005 Mal Keenan

Overrepparttar years I have been online one ofrepparttar 108592 most common emails I get from downline members and prospects in general goes something like this:

"Hi Mal What's happening? I have been working my ass off this past week and a half and things just aint happening. I've bought some leads and sent out two articles but not one sale. I'll give this a go for another week or two and if I don't see results I'll have to move on."

Have you received any like this? Maybe you've written one similar in your early days;-)?

It saddens me that people come into a business opportunity withrepparttar 108593 idea that they are going to attain instant profits....not only because ofrepparttar 108594 explaining I have to do to prospects, but because I knowrepparttar 108595 frustration they are going to inflict upon themselves unless they changerepparttar 108596 mindset with which they have entered this business.

The most I, or anyone like me can do for those of you who ARE finding it difficult to find success is show you a bit of direction and share our own experiences.

THERE ARE NO QUICK FIXES....and in my experience NO SECRETS.

This may be a hard pill to swallow but it isrepparttar 108597 truth.

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