The Power of Personality

Written by Terri Seymour

The Power of Personality Copyright 2002 Terri Seymour

Owning an online business and publishing an ezine can be very frustrating, AND rewarding! There can be 100's or even 1000's of websites and/or ezines that are almost exactly like yours. What can you do to make your online business stand out fromrepparttar rest?

The number one answer to this question is - add your own personality to your business and in your ezine.

I subscribe to probably over 100 ezines and most of these I do not even read. The ones that I like to read arerepparttar 108974 ones that contain some personality. I like to know that there is an actual person that I can identify with or get in touch with if I have any questions.

You arerepparttar 108975 main thing that makes your business unique! Use this to your advantage.

*Connect with your readers. This isrepparttar 108976 whole purpose of your ezine. By doingrepparttar 108977 following, you will make that very important connection.

*Let them get to know you. Have a section in your ezine where you talk to your readers and open up to them. I am not talking about pouring out all your personal problems to them, but sharerepparttar 108978 part of yourself that makes you who you are. Share little tidbits of your life so they know that you are a real person and they can connect with you.

*Treat everyone with respect and courtesy. This is one that unfortunately some people forget these days. This one goes both ways for readers and publishers. You have to remember we are all in this together, so let us treat each other as we would want to be treated. Yes, repparttar 108979 Golden Rule, which I believe in strongly!!

I Think I've Become A Spam Addict

Written by Stupidman


I recently wrote an article, "5 Reasons Why You Should Post A Free Classified Ad" and have received a lot of positive feedback aboutrepparttar article but nobody said anything nice aboutrepparttar 108973 spamsters.

I tried to imagine whatrepparttar 108974 Internet would be like without spam and concluded my life would be negatively impacted by it's absence.

Most ofrepparttar 108975 spam I get is funny. Ridiculous claims, poor syntax and bad spelling seem to berepparttar 108976 constants. Sometimes when I try to reply to their scheme I am told byrepparttar 108977 server that they have been shut down. These pathetic souls are promoting something that is, at least temporarily, out of business. They cite U.S. House and Senate bills that died in session as evidence they are not spamsters. I have actually been advised that unsolicited bulk email is not spam.

When I check my email and find no new messages it's a let down. I feel unpopular, unloved. If it's a slow day and all I have is a little spam I read it. It's pretty obvious these front line spamsters have been taken in byrepparttar 108978 slick website that provides a bundle of services for a fee which includes "blasting" a pitch to millions of "opt in" email addresses. I feel better just knowing there is somebody dumber than Stupidman. They're so dumb they probably don't know they're spamming plus they paid forrepparttar 108979 privilege.

I used to saverepparttar 108980 "Nigerian" letters that arrived by snail mail. The stamps were pretty and there was some variation inrepparttar 108981 story line. Visitors that came to my office were amused by my collection and often requested copies. I received a Nigerian email a couple of weeks ago that was sent from a Yahoo! account.

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