The Power of Expectations

Written by Kathy Gates

You can sit around and wait on FedEx to drop off a big box of happiness on your doorstep if you want to. But that's not likely to happen anytime soon. Or you can get up, create an action plan, and get on with your life. It's 100% up to you.

Expectations are a part ofrepparttar universe that makes thing happen, both negatively and positively. Like atomic particles, universal forces cannot be explained, but plugging into them creates some kind of energy. You don't have to be able to see it or understand it to use it.

Do you understand radio waves or computer chips (ok, so some people do, but I don't and I have a lot of company in that boat!). I can't see how this arrives from my computer to yours, and I don't understand it, but I sure use it. You only have to be willing to let it happen.

If you were not givenrepparttar 123732 power of positive expectations early in life, you now have to create it for yourself. You can live up or down to your own expectations andrepparttar 123733 expectations of others. 98% of people in prisons report that they were told by their parents or others in their lives that they would end up in prison. They lived "down" to those expectations. What ifrepparttar 123734 same people had told them that they would end up as a successful writer, or a great inventor, or a top sports figure?

You have this same power. You haverepparttar 123735 power to be creative and resourceful, or you also haverepparttar 123736 power to be miserablerepparttar 123737 rest of your life. You have that choice. You have that free will. You pick out an attitude each dayrepparttar 123738 same way you pick out your clothes.

7 Ways To Give Yourself A Break

Written by Kathy Gates

Life is hard enough without piling more and more expectations on yourself. It's like trying to diet in a chocolate factory! Instead try these 7 ways to help you lighten up, reduce worry, and give yourself a break. You'll come out onrepparttar other side with a simpler, happier, easier life.

1. Decide Right Now To Expect Nothing. Of course you can live "down" to expectations. In this context, however, it means to not get so hung up on needing, wanting, striving, wishing, and pursuing that you miss what's right in front of you. Setting goals to move you towards what you want is definitely, vitally important. But what is good and sweet and wonderful in your life right now? What are you missing out on by expecting something better to be aroundrepparttar 123731 next corner?

2. Let Some Long-Standing, Idealistic Goals Go. This can berepparttar 123732 most freeing thing you do, and a tremendous sense of relief. Always wanted to berepparttar 123733 world's first perfect parent? Are you disappointed in yourself because you haven't yet wonrepparttar 123734 Pulitzer Prize? Are you comparing yourself torepparttar 123735 body of a runway model? Does your marriage lackrepparttar 123736 romance of daytime soap operas? It's time to get over these types of unrealistic goals. Allow yourself to be human.

3. Truly Accept that Failure is The Only Way To Succeed. There's a famous quote that says, "the only place where success comes before work is inrepparttar 123737 dictionary." The story goes that famous basketball player Michael Jordan was cut from his high school team because he wasn't good enough. History would have been very different if he had let "failure" stop him from working hard at what he wanted to do. Practice patience. Practice failure. Practice. Practice. Practice.

4. Make Peace With Something That You Already Know. What do you already know that you will "learn" in 6 months? What this means is, what is in your life today that is probably going to catch up to you and cause you big trouble 6 months from now? Are you overspending? Is your marriage on shaky ground? Are you living without insurance? Do you have a healthy problem that you're trying to ignore? Make peace with what's going on in your life now, AND make a plan to deal with it.

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