The Pathophysiology of Tetanus

Written by Wong Lai Teng

Tetanus is an acute, often fatal disease caused by an exotoxin produced in a wound by Clostridium tetani. Clostridium tetani is a gram-positive, nonencapsulated, motile, obligatively anaerobic bacillus. It exists in vegetative and sporulated forms. Spores are highly resistant to disinfections by chemical or heat, but vegetative forms are susceptible torepparttar bactericidal effect of heat, chemical disinfectants, and a number of antibiotics.

Clostridium tetani is a noninvasive organism. It is found in soil and inrepparttar 145112 intestine and feces of horses, sheep, cattle, dogs, cats, rats, guinea pigs and chicken. Manure-treated soil may contain large numbers of spores too.

Tetanus occurs after spores or vegetative bacteria gain access to tissues and produce toxin locally. The usual mode of entry is trough a puncture wound or laceration. Tetanus may also follow elective surgery, burn wounds, otitis media, dental infection, abortion and pregnancy. Neonatal tetanus usually follows infection ofrepparttar 145113 umbilical stump.

Inrepparttar 145114 presence of anaerobic conditions,repparttar 145115 spores germinate. Toxins,including tetanolysin (which potentiates infection) and tetanospasmin (a potent neurotoxin) are produced. Tetanospasmin, often referred to as tetanus toxin, causes clinical tetanus. The toxin produced is disseminated throughrepparttar 145116 bloodstream and lymphatic system. However, it does not enterrepparttar 145117 central nervous system through this route, as it cannot crossrepparttar 145118 blood brain barrier except atrepparttar 145119 fourth ventricle. The toxin is exclusively taken up byrepparttar 145120 neuromuscular junction, where it migrates retrograde transynaptically atrepparttar 145121 rate 75-250mm/day, a process which takes 3-14 days, protected from neutralizing antitoxin, predominantly to inhibitory synapses to preventrepparttar 145122 release of acetylcholine.

Vasectomy surgery – who should have it.

Written by J.P. Miller

Deciding to have vasectomy surgery is a very important choice for a man to make andrepparttar final decision should be left up to you. Not your family or wife after all it is your body and you must live withrepparttar 145111 consequences forrepparttar 145112 rest of your life. If you’re a man that intends to never have children again then you may be a good candidate to have this procedure done. If you KNOW, not just think you never want to have children again in your life time then you might want to explorerepparttar 145113 possibility of having vasectomy surgery.

Remember that having vasectomy surgery will in most cases stop your ability to deliver viable sperm to your mate so pregnancy doesn’t occur, having this procedure like any operation will not guarantee that you will not get a women pregnant. Abstinence isrepparttar 145114 only 100% way to avoid this. Generallyrepparttar 145115 success rate is very high, well over 99%.

Vasectomies are for birth control but will not protect you from STD’s such as Aid’s, Gonorrhea, syphilis or any other sexually transmitted disease. Some people even develop a false sense of security after having a vasectomy and ignorerepparttar 145116 risks involved with having multiple partners, usingrepparttar 145117 excuse that they will not getrepparttar 145118 girl pregnant as a reason for not protecting themselves. Safe sex is always important when you’re not in a long-term monogamous relationship.

Here is a list of items you may want to go over before havingrepparttar 145119 big “SNIP”.

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