The P's and Q's of Public Speaking -

Written by Alan Fairweather

The P's and Q's of Public Speaking - 10 Steps to a successful presentation

by Alan Fairweather

(c) Alan Fairweather - All Rights reserved ==========================================================

Avoidrepparttar pain

Which would you prefer - root canal dental surgery without an anaesthetic or a bit of public speaking? According torepparttar 119468 people who research these things, most of us would preferrepparttar 119469 former. Public speaking is still one of our greatest fears and it turns grown men and women into nervous wrecks. The mere thought of it turns our tongue to cotton wool, causes our internal plumbing to act up and our kneecaps to start knocking lumps out of each other. The problem is that Public Speaking catches up with many of us at some time both in our business and personal life. You're asked to do a short talk at Fred's "leaving do". The organisers of your business club want fifteen minutes on why you make "kafuffle" valves. A potential client wants a presentation on why they should give yourepparttar 119470 contract. Of course there's alwaysrepparttar 119471 confident people who think "I'm real good at this, lead me torepparttar 119472 podium." The only thing is that some of these people could bore your socks off and do more for insomniacs thanrepparttar 119473 strongest sleeping pills. Maybe you'll be lucky enough to be sent on a Public Speaking course by your enlightened employer. But more likely, when asked to make a presentation you'll get hold of a book on speaking, start writingrepparttar 119474 speech and lose sleep untilrepparttar 119475 event. Well, there's no need for all of this because help is at hand. All you need to remember are your P's and Q's. Let's start withrepparttar 119476 P's

Preparation When you sit down to write what you're going to say, bear in mind who you'll be speaking to. Will they understand what you're talking about; will they understandrepparttar 119477 technical stuff andrepparttar 119478 jargon? If in doubt rememberrepparttar 119479 old saying "Keep It Simple Stupid". To quote Aristotle - "Think asrepparttar 119480 wise men do, but speak asrepparttar 119481 common man". Make sure that what you say has a beginning, a middle and an end. Think of some anecdotes that help reinforce your story. People think visually so paint verbal pictures for your audience. And always remember, people want to know what's in it for them - so make sure you tell them!

Place Have a look atrepparttar 119482 venue beforerepparttar 119483 event if you can. It's not always possible, however, even if you get there half an hour before, you can check out where you'll be speaking. Stand atrepparttar 119484 point where you will deliver from, imagine whererepparttar 119485 audience will be and check that they can see and hear you. You may even wish to place a glass of water where you'll be able to find it. Personal Preparation Before any speaking event, think about what you are going to wear; when in doubt dress up rather than down. You can always take things off for a more casual look. Men could remove their jacket and their tie. Women could remove items of jewellery. Part of your personal preparation should include some mouth and breathing exercises. Practise saying some tongue twisters to give your speaking muscles a good work out. Take a deep breath and expand your diaphragm. Then breathe out, counting atrepparttar 119486 same time, try and get up to fifty and not pass out. As part of your personal preparation, write your own introduction. Write out exactly what you want someone to say about you, large font, double-spaced and askrepparttar 119487 person introducing you to read it. Believe me they won't object and will probably be pleased and impressed.

Poise and Posture Whenever you're called to speak, stand up or walk torepparttar 119488 front quickly and purposefully. Pull yourself up to your full height, stand tall and look like you ownrepparttar 119489 place. Before you start to speak, pause, look round your audience and smile. You may even have to wait untilrepparttar 119490 applause dies down. Remember, you wantrepparttar 119491 audience to like you, so look likeable. Practise this in front of a mirror or your family; I've heard that children make pretty good critics.

Pretend I'm suggesting you pretend you're not nervous because no doubt you will be. Nervousness is vital for speaking in public, it boosts your adrenaline, which makes your mind sharper and gives you energy. It also hasrepparttar 119492 slight side effect of making you lighter through loss of body waste materials. The trick is to keep your nerves to yourself. On no account tell your audience your nervous, you'll only scarerepparttar 119493 living daylights out of them if they think you're going to faint. Some ofrepparttar 119494 tricks for dealing with nerves are: Get lots of oxygen into your system, run onrepparttar 119495 spot and wave your arms about like a lunatic. It burns offrepparttar 119496 stress chemicals. Speak to members of your audience as they come in or at some time before you stand up. That tricks your brain into thinking you're talking to some friends. Have a glass of water handy for that dry mouth. Stick cotton wool on your kneecaps so people won't hear them knocking. One word of warning - do not drink alcohol. It might give you Dutch courage but your audience will end up thinking you're speaking Dutch.

Stop Sickies and Make People Happy At Work

Written by Alan Fairweather

Stop Sickies and Make People Happy At Work

If you're an employer or a manager then work place absence is costing you money, inconvenience, and upsetting your customers. And as we all know, not all days taken off work are due to genuine sickness. Many employees "take a sickie" because their morale is low and they just don't like or can't do their work.

The challenge for employers and managers is to make people happier at work. And if people are happy at work then they are less likely to take a day off every time they wake up with a stuffy nose. Some bosses think that paying more money, improving job security or working conditions isrepparttar answer. It isn't and it's also something that can be very hard to achieve.

People who employ or supervise other people need to become more tuned to their employees' emotional needs and find out what really motivates them. This is also much easier to achieve than paying more money or improving job security, however there is no quick fix. Some years ago I inherited a tele-sales operation with low staff morale and poor sales results. It took nearly a year to fix. The long-term benefits were of course worth it in terms of fewer days lost due to sickness and an increase in business. To reducerepparttar 119467 number of sickies there are four steps you need to consider. Firstly, pickrepparttar 119468 right person forrepparttar 119469 job. There's a television advertisement running at present for a recruitment company. It highlightsrepparttar 119470 fact that many people are inrepparttar 119471 wrong job for their skills and attributes. The daft thing is that it was an employer or manager who put them inrepparttar 119472 job inrepparttar 119473 first place. We need to get better at interviewing and selecting people. Take more time over it; pay more attention torepparttar 119474 applicant's human side rather than their qualifications or experience. Get to know them better. Find out what makes them happy, how well they get on with other people and how much energy and enthusiasm they have. Make sure they know what they're getting into and be surerepparttar 119475 job suits them.

A manager inrepparttar 119476 telecom industry was telling me about an engineer who was taking too many sickies. He was being blamed for a poor attitude to his work. His job involved working in tunnels underrepparttar 119477 city repairing and installing equipment. Eventually it was discovered thatrepparttar 119478 poor guy was claustrophobic and was trying to deal with it on his own. He still works forrepparttar 119479 same team but in a job that doesn't involve small spaces. It's not always easy to move people, which emphasisesrepparttar 119480 importance of getting it right inrepparttar 119481 first place.

Secondly, you need to believe in your people. If you've interviewed well and pickedrepparttar 119482 right person forrepparttar 119483 job then you need to trust them to do that job. You need to constantly demonstrate to your people that you trust and believe in them by what you say, your tone of voice and your body language. If you believe that your people are not to be trusted, that they're unable to make a decision without checking with you. That they'll turn up late and go home early, then that's exactly what they'll do. If onrepparttar 119484 other hand you believe that they'll do their job well, that they can be trusted to make decisions and they will give you a fair day's work, then it is more likely this is what you'll get. As with all theories there is no guarantee that it will work every time, howeverrepparttar 119485 majority of employees are reasonable people and if you treat them as such then they are more likely to behave in a positive manner.

The third and probablyrepparttar 119486 most important thing you can do to motivate your people is to give them feedback and coach them. This is where so many employers and managers fall down in dealing with their people; we are hopeless at giving feedback. Many managers are uncomfortable telling staff how they feel about their work performance.

Most employees want to know how they are performing in their job; they want to know if they are doing it right or how they could do it better. If you really want to motivate your people then you need to give them feedback on what they're doing well and what needs improvement.

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