The Origins of Check Writing

Written by Antigone Arthur

The Origins of Check Writing

People haven't always written checks to buy goods and services. But you know that right? So how did people transfer money from one place to another in times of old?

In ancient timesrepparttar most popular form of money exchange wasrepparttar 145716 trade. However, some point alongrepparttar 145717 long line of history people started realizing they had a surplus of goods that was best stored somewhere other than their home.

Duringrepparttar 145718 sixteenth century Amsterdam became a key global trading and shipping outlet. Within this area, many people started amassing cash. Rather than stashing this cash at home, some people hadrepparttar 145719 brilliant idea of depositing their money with safe keepers or cashiers for a fee.

Keeping their money in a central location allowed tradespeople to start writing notes to pay off debts owed to other people. Thus emergedrepparttar 145720 idea of writing checks.

Where Did The Word Check Come From?

The word "check" did not emerge until later inrepparttar 145721 1800s. At this point in time cashiers started placing numbers on each ofrepparttar 145722 notes depositors wrote so they could better track notes coming into and out ofrepparttar 145723 station. Eventually a system was born andrepparttar 145724 idea of writing checks and storing money in a "bank" caught on en' masse.

Checking Today

Today checking is as commonplace as going out to eat. Most people have at least one checking account, and many have more than one. It is not uncommon for business owners to work with several bankers and checking accounts.

Check writing is no longer a primitive process that involves handwriting notes on random pieces of paper. Checking and check writing is almost a rite of passage. It suggests that you have money (in theory anyway) or a means to make your way inrepparttar 145725 world.

Types of Checks Available Today

Now that you are familiar withrepparttar 145726 origins of check writing, you probably came here in search of some quality information about checks and checking. Today you have more choices than ever for checking. You can pay bills on traditional and boring bank checks, or you can buy checks that match your personality.

The possibilities are endless in checking today. You can buy pastel checks, checkered checks, animal checks, cartoon checks and more. Foil embossing and intricate designs are another popular choice among consumers, and providerepparttar 145727 added advantage of extra security.

Pay Yourself First - If the Only Thing You Did Was This, You'd be Rich

Written by Brendon Turner

Bottom line. No exaggeration. No hype. If you want to be rich, all you have to do is make a decision to do something that most people don't do. And that's to PAY YOURSELF FIRST.

What most people do when they earn a dollar is pay everyone else first. They payrepparttar landlord,repparttar 145702 credit card company,repparttar 145703 telephone company,repparttar 145704 government, and on and on. The reason they think they need a budget is to help them figure out how much to pay everyone else so atrepparttar 145705 end ofrepparttar 145706 month-orrepparttar 145707 year, or their working life-they will have something "left over" to pay themselves.

This, my friend, is absolutely, positively financially backwards. And because this system does not work, people wind up trying some pretty strange ways to get rich.

When you boil it down, there are basically six routes to wealth in this country. You can

  • Win it
  • Marry it
  • Inherit it
  • Sue for it
  • Budget for it OR
  • Pay Yourself First.

Let's quickly review each of these methods.

Win It: Can you guessrepparttar 145708 No. 1 way average hard-working people try to get rich in this country? They playrepparttar 145709 lottery. People in this country spend more than $8 billion a year on lottery tickets. That's more than $250 for every person, including those not old enough to buy a ticket. Can you imagine if these same dollars had been invested in retirement accounts? Now let me ask you something else. Have you ever wonrepparttar 145710 lottery? Do you know anyone who has? Did that person share any of their winnings with you? Exactly. So let this one go.

Marry It: How's this working for you so far? There's a saying that it's as easy to marry a rich person as a poor one. Really? The truth is that people who marry for money generally end up paying for it forrepparttar 145711 rest of their lives. So let's skip this one too-unless, of course, you really do fall in love with someone who happens to have money.

Inherit it: This obviously isn't worth thinking about unless your parents are rich. And even if they are, isn't there something a little sick about visiting them duringrepparttar 145712 holidays, asking how they are, and then thinking "bummer" when they say, "I feel great"?

Sue for it: This one is big inrepparttar 145713 United States, where more than three-quarters ofrepparttar 145714 world's lawyers practice and upwards of 94 percent ofrepparttar 145715 world's lawsuits are filed. But Canadians are becoming more litigious too. While Canadians have usually left it torepparttar 145716 Americans to sue each other for spilling coffee in their laps or abandoningrepparttar 145717 wheel of an RV on cruise control, some Canadians feel that, rather than earn, save, and invest, a better strategy is find 'em. sue 'em, and sock it to 'em. In any case, it's not a real system that can be counted on to build wealth.

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