The One-Plot Wonder

Written by Michael LaRocca

THE ONE-PLOT WONDER Copyright 2004, Michael LaRocca

Back inrepparttar mid to late 1980s I was a security guard. The pay was lousy, but it gave me many hours in seclusion to write short stories and novels. However, I usually worked over 80 hours a week. No one can write that much. Well, at least not me. Thus I discoveredrepparttar 147572 joys of my local libraries.

Recently, I decided to look up an author who gave me great pleasure in those days. Most of his books are now out of print, I've learned, evenrepparttar 147573 one that became a movie.

I found that two of his were books available, so I ordered them. One I'd enjoyed before. The other was a straight thriller fromrepparttar 147574 days before he createdrepparttar 147575 "Appleton Porter" spy spoofs, re-released in 2001 in POD. I didn't know this before it arrived at my home in China.

Since I'm giving away THE plot spoiler, I won't identifyrepparttar 147576 author or title.

A man who deeply loves his wife buys her a hotel outside London. She is very happy there, at first. This is a fine suspenseful read as she notes oddities and eventually appears to be losing her mind and such. Suicides, an eventual murder. Finally, her husband pays a doctor to kill her.

Her husband arranged all this, we learn atrepparttar 147577 end, because she was dying of a horrible and incurable illness. Rather than let her sufferrepparttar 147578 indignity, he tries to give her some final days filled with wonderful memories. He never realizes that he ended her days with a living hell.

The writing was fine, aside from some stupid typos ofrepparttar 147579 sort common in unedited POD titles. He's obviously a sincere, hard-working, talented author. The plot was wholly consistent and everything "worked."

So why is it a weak book? Becauserepparttar 147580 plot I described is all there is. It's a one-plot wonder.

As an author, if you find yourself floundering, if you find your work-in-progress failing to make progress, ask yourself. Is it a one-plot wonder?

Here are some best sellers I've read overrepparttar 147581 past thirty years.

Duringrepparttar 147582 Cold War, a Soviet commander steals a top-secret submarine and tries to defect torepparttar 147583 US with it. A good and idealistic young law graduate accepts a job too good to be true, only to eventually learn he's working forrepparttar 147584 Mafia. An alcoholic author and his family become caretakers at an old Maine hotel, alone duringrepparttar 147585 winter, and he eventually goes nuts. A US President declares war on drug dealers, a "clear and present danger" to national security. A crippled author is kidnapped byrepparttar 147586 ultimate fan.

I've chosen these titles because I've readrepparttar 147587 books and seenrepparttar 147588 movies. None of my plot summaries are wrong. But with some of those novels, there are many more plots and subplots at work. These arerepparttar 147589 novels that didn't always translate well torepparttar 147590 big screen due to time constraints and/or loss of non-objective voice.

Get Rich Writing Fiction

Written by Michael LaRocca

GET RICH WRITING FICTION Copyright 2005, Michael LaRocca

Some of us write simply because we can't not write. Ideas grab us, move us, and demand to be written. We strive to make it as real as we possibly can, to improve at our craft every day, hopefully to make it intorepparttar realm of literature as well as entertainment. We want to craft an entire world whererepparttar 147540 places and people are so real thatrepparttar 147541 reader doesn't feel like he's reading a book as much as he is going to another place. Inrepparttar 147542 lofty world of literature that we strive for,repparttar 147543 reader will still think aboutrepparttar 147544 book after reading that last page. It's our gift torepparttar 147545 reader, something to take with him. Given sufficient skill, this can even happen long after we are dead.

Then we learn that doesn't sell. Oh, there are exceptions. Some novelists make a living by consistently writing quality literature. But, there are quite a few best sellers who have no such goals. They write for money, and they make it.

Evenrepparttar 147546 writer who has written great literature has trouble marketing it that way. We have to look at our "target audience." Who will buy this book? Let me see, our heroine survived spousal abuse, so there's an audience. There's a suicide, so we can getrepparttar 147547 bereavement crowd. Where'srepparttar 147548 setting? We can get a local audience. The hero's a cop. Mayberepparttar 147549 teen boys will go for that. Nah, too light on action. But there's a romance. Maybe we'll market torepparttar 147550 romance readers. Giverepparttar 147551 hero bedroom eyes and pass him off as a romantic hero. Yeah, that might work.

But if you want to write to get rich, even that's not enough. Nah,repparttar 147552 time to think about your reader is before you writerepparttar 147553 book, not after.

Throw in lots of gratuitous sex, preferably extramarital. One (and only one) character who flirts and is sorely tempted and walks away from "love" to remain true to his wife.

Use taboo words for shock value. Ram, hump, scream, oral sex, voluptuous, female orgasm (the great revelation). Make sure a lot of your leads enjoy sex. Horny women are a good way to pull inrepparttar 147554 readers you want. We all know men are horny, but most of your readers haven't discovered that some women enjoy sex too. Tell them this. Giverepparttar 147555 female readers a balm for their consciences andrepparttar 147556 male readers someone to dream about.

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