The Name Game: Tips For Picking the Best Baby Name

Written by Nancy Wurtzel

Expectant parents spend hours preparingrepparttar nursery, poring over pregnancy and delivery books and going to childbirth classes. Yet surprisingly, many decide their child’s given name within a matter of minutes, often spending more time selectingrepparttar 111036 right car seat or stroller.

What should parents-to-be consider when choosing a baby name? All About Baby, a personalized children’s products company that has seen all types of name combinations, has come up with helpful tips to makerepparttar 111037 process interesting, fun and successful.

USE BOOKS AND THE INTERNET First, start withrepparttar 111038 experts. The choices today are staggering with more than 50,000 common names and spelling variations. Begin with some basic homework by buying a few baby-name books or a baby-name software program. Check online forrepparttar 111039 best buys.

You can also userepparttar 111040 internet by tapping into dozens of internet sites that list popular baby names, some websites even offer customized search programs, complete withrepparttar 111041 meaning and origin ofrepparttar 111042 names.

BEGIN KEEPING A LIST Somewhere duringrepparttar 111043 middle of your pregnancy, start jotting down some of your favorite selections.

Next, begin mixing and matchingrepparttar 111044 first and middle names along withrepparttar 111045 baby’s last name to see how you like various combinations. How dorepparttar 111046 names sound together? How do they look on paper? This isrepparttar 111047 time to ask others for their opinion, so keep an open mind and have a little fun considering a wide range of names for your little one.

Atrepparttar 111048 same time, keep in mind that names often bring up a myriad of emotions, and sometimes parents can have very different reactions to their partner’s favorite choices. So we advise being respectful of your partner's feelings.

Trendy names are really in fashion -- especially with celebrities. However, there is always something to be said forrepparttar 111049 old standards that have enduredrepparttar 111050 test of time. For instance, Bambi Nevada might seem like a cool choice today, but consider what isrepparttar 111051 best selection for an entire lifetime. What will this name look like decades later on a business card?

Along these same lines are exotic spellings and invented names, which are also in wide use today. Remember that kids can sometimes be cruel and a highly unusual name could be fodder for playground teasing.

Ten ways to become your teenager’s best friend

Written by V. Michael Santoro, M. Ed.

Best friends! It may seem impossible to believe, but today’s teens do want to consider their parents as friends, even though they think we could never understandrepparttar realities of their world. They are also interested in what it was like being a teenager duringrepparttar 111035 Stone Age. Life without cell phones orrepparttar 111036 Internet must have been unimaginable!

So even with this interest, can parents and teens really become best friends when competing with busy schedules, and raging hormones? The answer is a resounding YES…and it is worthrepparttar 111037 effort!

What is important to understand is that both of you have to wantrepparttar 111038 new relationship on a long-term basis. You cannot appear to be going throughrepparttar 111039 motions, or acting like you are fitting this new relationship into your busy schedules.

As a father, I knew I was a good provider. I put food onrepparttar 111040 table, a roof over their head, and helped fund those great sales that saved me so much money.

As important asrepparttar 111041 father role is, it was improvingrepparttar 111042 “Dad” role that allowed me to develop a lasting relationship with my teenagers. Essentially, I modifiedrepparttar 111043 communication and problem-solving skills that I successfully used at work to improve my relationship with them.

The following arerepparttar 111044 ten ways that will help you to become one of your teenager’s best friends:

1. Define what trust means to each of you. Agree that there will be no games or hidden agendas—just honesty—to buildrepparttar 111045 trust.

2. Agree that mutual trust is earned by exhibiting consistent behavior. The amount of trust that you develop will be proportionate torepparttar 111046 amount of freedom that they will enjoy.

3. Anything that is discussed with you must be kept inrepparttar 111047 strictest of confidence. This will help reinforcerepparttar 111048 trust.

4. Talk to your teens as adults while remembering that they are still kids. This allows for flexibility during those trying adolescent years.

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