The Myths Associated with Human Growth Hormone

Written by Alfred Jones

I would like to dispel some ofrepparttar myths and worries associated with Human Growth Hormone Therapy, or HGH.

First of all, a large number of people do not know what kind of treatment is involved with this therapy. I have asked family and friends if they know what it all means, I have had replies that are completely offrepparttar 114067 mark, some have thought that it was having injections of a substance that has been taken from Monkey Glands, others have thought that it was something to do with Stem Cell research, none of these ideas could be further fromrepparttar 114068 truth, perhaps it isrepparttar 114069 name, or some other reason, but whatever, we are stuck withrepparttar 114070 name.

HGH, is actually made from a combination of all natural nutrients such as Glutamine Peptides, Colostrum and Amino Acids, proven to enhancerepparttar 114071 bodies natural production of HGH.

HGH is one of many endocrine hormones, like Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, Melatonin and DHEA, that decline with age. Research has shown that many diseases and conditions, which occur with aging, may be attributed torepparttar 114072 effects of years of Free Radical damage. These toxic particles, damagerepparttar 114073 cells in your body, but your body’s defenses against free radicals are increased with HGH and its blend of natural nutrients. They help your body to release its own stores of Youth Hormones, its this blend of youth hormone releasers and health protecting nutrients that takes age defying one step further, than any other treatment.

Human Growth Hormone, also known as Somatotropin, is one ofrepparttar 114074 most abundant chemicals secreted byrepparttar 114075 Pituitary Gland, HGH production in high quantities is essential to growth during Childhood and Adolescence, but also must remain present at lower levels as we age, to maintain our health and wellbeing. Afterrepparttar 114076 age of 20, HGH production falls progressively at a rate of about 14% per decade. It is very common to have a loss of 75% or more byrepparttar 114077 age of 60.

3 Natural Cures For A Migraine

Written by Niall Roche

Only a migraine sufferer understandsrepparttar pain. Regardless of howrepparttar 114066 migraine startsrepparttar 114067 end result isrepparttar 114068 same - excrutiating pain that renders you helpless. Walking hurts, breathing hurts. Even thinking hurts.

People often discount migraines without any true understanding ofrepparttar 114069 suffering a migraine can inflict. They treat migraine sufferers like hypochondriacs or drama queens. This is simply not so.

There are numerous painkillers and pills available to help curbrepparttar 114070 pain. The issue here is that many of these painkillers require repeat prescriptions and involve an ongoing cost.

The other side effect of many ofrepparttar 114071 prescribed medicines is that they can help withrepparttar 114072 pain ofrepparttar 114073 migraine headache itself but tend to have a "knockout" effect onrepparttar 114074 sufferer. Most migraine sufferers will be familiar withrepparttar 114075 "where didrepparttar 114076 day go?" effect of many ofrepparttar 114077 stronger painkillers.

There are natural remedies torepparttar 114078 migraine plague. They're simple and cheap (if not free). None of these natural treatment are to replace prescribed medication but can be used in conjunction with your medication to bring relief about faster. They also complement each other perfectly.

Dark Room
If you suffer from migraine headaches and an attack begins then findrepparttar 114079 quietest, darkest spot in your home and lay down there. The area or should also be relatively warm to allow you to relax faster. Your eyes should remain covered but open. This usually means using some sort of blindfold but a scarf, long handkerchief or other material works just fine. Keep your eyes open as much as possible because experience has shown that shutting your eyes to try and cope withrepparttar 114080 pain uses extra facial and jaw muscles that can just increaserepparttar 114081 problem and not cure it.

If an attack has already begun then followrepparttar 114082 same routine and take whatever prescribed medication you have.

Relaxed Breathing
A migraine attack generally brings on a sort of anxiety attack inrepparttar 114083 sufferer. They know how much it's going to hurt so their heart rate increases. This increase in blood flow makesrepparttar 114084 problem worse.

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