The Myth of 100% Complete Processed Pet Foods

Written by Randy Wysong DVM

Every day, people byrepparttar millions pour food from a package into their pet’s bowl. Day in and day out, meal after meal, pets getrepparttar 145003 same fare. This strange phenomenon is not only widely practiced, but done by loving owners who believe they are doingrepparttar 145004 right thing. Why? Certainly because it is convenient, but also becauserepparttar 145005 labels state thatrepparttar 145006 food is “complete and balanced,” “100% complete,” or thatrepparttar 145007 food has passed various analytical and feeding test criteria. Furthermore, manufacturers and even veterinarians counsel pet owners about not feeding other foods such as table scraps because ofrepparttar 145008 danger of unbalancing these modern processed nutritional marvels. The power ofrepparttar 145009 message is so great that pet owners en masse do every day to their pets what they would never do to themselves or their children -offerrepparttar 145010 same processed packaged food at every meal. Think about it: Our world is complex beyond comprehension. It is not only largely unknown; it is unknowable inrepparttar 145011 “complete” sense. In order for nutritionists and manufacturers to produce a “100% complete and balanced” pet food, they must first know 100% about nutrition. However, nutrition is not a completed science. It is, in fact, an aggregate science, which is based upon other basic sciences, such as chemistry, physics, and biology. But since no scientist would argue that everything is known in chemistry or physics or biology, how can nutritionists claim to know everything there is to know about nutrition, which is based upon these sciences? This isrepparttar 145012 logical absurdity ofrepparttar 145013 “100% complete and balanced” diet claim. It isrepparttar 145014 reason a similar venture to feed babies a “100% complete” formula has turned out to be a health disaster. Claiming that anything is 100% is like claiming perfection, total knowledge, and absolute truth. Has pet nutrition really advanced that far? Does a chemist make such a claim? A physicist? Doctor? Professor? Did Einstein, Bohr, Pasteur, Aristotle, Plato, or any ofrepparttar 145015 greatest minds in human history make such claims? No. Hasrepparttar 145016 science of pet nutrition advanced torepparttar 145017 point where everything is known aboutrepparttar 145018 physiology, digestion and biochemistry of animals, or that everything is known about their food? Certainly not. The fact ofrepparttar 145019 matter is thatrepparttar 145020 “100% complete” claim is actually “100% complete” guesswork. At best, one could say that such a claim isrepparttar 145021 firm possibility of a definite maybe. Each time regulatory agencies convene to decide how much of which nutrients comprise “100% completeness,” debate always ensues and standards usually change. This not only proves that what they claimed before was not “100% complete,” but this should also make us highly suspicious about what they now claim to be “100% complete.” Additionally, consider that in order to determinerepparttar 145022 minimum requirement for a certain nutrient - say protein - all other nutrients used inrepparttar 145023 feeding trials must be adequate and standardized. Otherwise, if vitamin E, for example, is in excess or is deficient, how would you know ifrepparttar 145024 results ofrepparttar 145025 study were because ofrepparttar 145026 effects of protein or due to something amiss withrepparttar 145027 level of vitamin E? Ifrepparttar 145028 minimum requirements for all 26+ essential nutrients were all set and absolutely etched in stone, then there would be no problem. But they aren’t. They are constantly changing. This means each time any nutrient requirement is changed, all test results for all other nutrients usingrepparttar 145029 wrong minimum for this nutrient would then be invalid. Most nutritionists simply ignore this conundrum, feeling like cowboys trying to lasso an octopus - there are just too many loose ends. But they continue to perpetuaterepparttar 145030 “100% complete” myth, and excuse themselves by saying they make adjustments when necessary. The point is, don’t believerepparttar 145031 claim on any commercially prepared pet (or human) food that it is “100% complete and balanced.” It is a spurious unsupported boast, intended to build consumer trust and dependence on commercial products - not create optimal health. Unfortunately most people think animal feeding is a mystery. It is not. Animal nutrition is not a special nutritional science to which common sense human nutrition principles cannot be applied. Userepparttar 145032 same common sense in feeding your pets that you use for feeding your family. Nutrition is not about some special ingredient orrepparttar 145033 absence of some boogeyman ingredient. Fresh foods fed in variety are always superior to processed food artifacts.

The Dangers of Canine Parasites

Written by Rose Smith

When you get a puppy, one ofrepparttar first things that you need to do is make an appointment withrepparttar 144964 vet to get your new family member his or her vaccinations. Along with any recommended shots, your cuddly canine will probably get a dose of a de-worming formula to rid them of any internal parasites.


Some parasites can be very dangerous to your dog, especially to puppies. For instance, a hookworm (about 1/8" in length) will adhere itself torepparttar 144965 small intestine and begin to suckrepparttar 144966 blood from your pet. It can cause severe anemia, followed by circulatory collapse, severe diarrhea, hemorrhaging, shock and finally death.

Puppies may receive hookworms throughrepparttar 144967 mother's placenta duringrepparttar 144968 gestation period or throughrepparttar 144969 mother's milk when nursing. This is why it is very important that new puppies receive a de-worming formula.

These parasites can also enter an adult dog quite easily when your pet walks over soil that contains any contaminated feces from other animals. In turn, your dog then licks his or her paws and ingestsrepparttar 144970 hookworm larvae. Even withoutrepparttar 144971 paw lickingrepparttar 144972 larvae can burrow throughrepparttar 144973 skin and intorepparttar 144974 dog. Once inside,repparttar 144975 larvae migrate torepparttar 144976 small intestine where they grow into adult hookworms, usually within 14 days.

A female hookworm will begin to lay eggs... 20,000 of them per day! As you can see, it is vitally important to have your favorite canine de-wormed should they become infested with hookworms. If you see symptoms such as diarrhea, weakness, pale gums, or weight loss, take your canine torepparttar 144977 veterinarian immediately for diagnosis and treatment. Diagnosis is usually made through a small stool sample. Treatment consists of an oral or injected medication which killsrepparttar 144978 adult hookworms, but notrepparttar 144979 larvae. This treatment needs to be repeated again in 2 to 4 weeks to killrepparttar 144980 larvae that have emerged as adults. In cases of severe anemia, your dog may require a blood transfusion.


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