The Most Valuable Asset in Marketing - Do YOU have It?

Written by Melinda Robb

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The single most important attribute for a successful Network Marketer is often lacking, and yet it isrepparttar 104563 easiest to possess. Do YOU have it?

INTEGRITY - The quality of possessing and steadfastly adhering to high moral principles or professional standards.

Who among us hasn't seen those glaring ads "Join today…make millions", "Make $9000 per month - Free" There are so many of them out there promising a fast buck with no effort, or promising us that we can earn millions overnight. Just hand over your credit card number….

Don't they realize we are real people, trying to get by in a harsh world? We sweat and toil for every penny we earn … and still can't make ends meet. Don't they know we only want to spend more time with our kids, and less time chained to our desk?

Of course they do! How else could they lure us into their scams! We are so eager to change our lives that we will grasp at almost any opportunity - even against our better judgement. I am speaking from experience here.

So we hand over our hard earned money, and wait forrepparttar 104564 cash to start rolling in … but where is it? Here we are, with no idea where to start - and even worse - with no one to help us.

So, we submit our web pages to a few search engines, place a few ezine ads, and … nothing.

We e-mail our sponsor but he/she doesn't respond … why? Because he/she is inrepparttar 104565 exact same position as we are … left on our own with no one to guide us or answer our questions. Discouraged, let down, and convinced that all network marketing businesses are frauds!

These programs have fancy web sites, convincing ad copy, flashy banners and extraordinary claims from self-proclaimed "gurus". Even with all of this, they are missingrepparttar 104566 most essential ingredient - Integrity. Without it, they are worthless.

The good news is, there ARE companies out there that have integrity, and people who are genuinely interested in helping others achieve their goals. These arerepparttar 104567 organizations that you want to become aligned with!

Crunch Time: Don't Forget the Upfront Stuff

Written by Karla Brandau

Crunch Time: Don’t Forgetrepparttar Upfront Stuff

What time is it… if you have two minutes to go and your team is down by 10 points?

What time is it…if your presentation torepparttar 104560 biggest possible client and sale you’ve ever had is due in two days?

What time is it… if your annual progress report for your manager is due tomorrow and you are only half finished?

It’s crunch time! Crunch time means it’s now or never. You have to produce. You have to get it done. The next time you find yourself in a panic, in a personal crunch time, try taking a deep breath. Panic usually results in shallow breathing. Have you ever done your best work in a panic? No. No one ever does.

So when you break out in a sweat from pressure, take 10 deep breaths: In -throughrepparttar 104561 nose; out - throughrepparttar 104562 mouth. The breathing will help you center yourself, calm your emotions, and relax your psychic. Then with confidence, you can move quickly through these steps inrepparttar 104563 upfront stuff,repparttar 104564 planning part of execution:

1.Survey exactly what has to be done to completerepparttar 104565 project. This will force you to move fromrepparttar 104566 more emotional right brain that is afraid you won’t finish on time torepparttar 104567 more logical left brain that will find a way. 2.List every task that is remotely connected to completion ofrepparttar 104568 project. Tasks out of your head and onto your task list become less intimidating. 3.With a red marker, circlerepparttar 104569 tasks that absolutely MUST be done. Do not markrepparttar 104570 tasks that would be window dressing. Through this process you simplifyrepparttar 104571 project and weed out tasks not absolutely essential torepparttar 104572 completion ofrepparttar 104573 project. 4.Countrepparttar 104574 actual tasks that are marked in red. This isrepparttar 104575 step that brings a sigh of relief: Typically there are fewer essential tasks than you had imagined. 5.Estimate how much time it will take to do each task, then reverse schedulerepparttar 104576 tasks. 6.Plot outrepparttar 104577 tasks in time frames on your calendar. 7.Tackle one task at a time. Paying attention to this front-end planning process will save you precious time. I was reminded of this is a dramatic way last Thursday.

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