The Mind of A Successful Thinker

Written by Maida Martillano

I was'nt born with a clear thought in my head. It's always a jungle and a puzzle in there. Sometimes I make sense of it. Often times not. But this I know, those thoughts would make me a "successful" thinker.

When I was still that puny little kid of 8 years old, I would often explain to myself, and often times in my head, why we have "this" and why we have "that". I would often believe that I am right and when an "explanation" struck me like whyrepparttar sky is blue and not pink, I would go right torepparttar 101804 encyclopedia and then found out that I was, indeed, closer torepparttar 101805 truth. I thought of myself as strange and lucky atrepparttar 101806 same time, never thinking that at some point, these "bursts" of thoughts would make me a more bolder type of person. Never afraid of quantified but calculable risks.

Last night, I devouredrepparttar 101807 words and thoughts of some of our "successful thinkers" in their prime. Corey Rudl, Marlon Sanders, Terry Dean and a lot more. I was in that deep self-less thought wondering what "really" made them click and hot and why their words and thoughts alone sell inrepparttar 101808 millions. These are what I found out.

Never afraid to be what you have to be

There would always be a point in your life when you would burstrepparttar 101809 bubble and tell yourself that you would never be successful. Wrong. Everyone of us has a reason to be here. Never be afraid to do what you want to do or to be what you have to be. There will be a time when you have to let go of your creativity, of your inner self and berepparttar 101810 super person that you are.

I had dreams of becoming a successful songwriter and singer even when I was 5 years old. I would often see myself onrepparttar 101811 stage with bright lights and people showering me with compliments. I can never let go of that inspiration until I came to a point that I was doing it. I now have national multiple song writing awards and I am proud that some ofrepparttar 101812 most successful singers have been singingrepparttar 101813 songs of my childhood..of what I've been through.

Let your pain make you strong

We all have our pains. Pains from our experiences past and present. Perhaps you'rerepparttar 101814 most unloved child. You did not finish high school. You seperated from your wife or husband. Neverrepparttar 101815 less, you should not let your pain make you weak. Get your strength from it. I can't tell you how but you'rerepparttar 101816 only one who can control your emotions. You can change yourself and only fromrepparttar 101817 "inside-out".

Most successful people had traumatic experiences when they were young. Perhaps a close love one died. They were very poor and had practically nothing to eat.

One story my dad always loved to tell was of his relative who was so poor that he had to borrow my dad's clothes to go to school.

His cousin loves to read. What he could afford from shining shoes while on his way home he would pay for comic books. He devoured everything readable, especially comic magazines.

What do the successful websites have in common?

Written by Niki Mcelroy

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What dorepparttar successful websites have in common? © 2002 - 2003 Niki Mcelroy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The most important thing thatrepparttar 101803 successful "Home Grown" websites have in common is:

1. They got started. 2. They don't get discouraged by mistakes. 3. They learn from there mistakes. 4. They remain persistent in reaching there netreprenuer goals. 5. They focused on one thing and did it torepparttar 101804 best of there ability. 6. They seen whatrepparttar 101805 competition was up to and used it to there advantage. 7. They educated themselves withrepparttar 101806 best marketing strategies and techniques. 8. They used advertisement in many forms. 9. They chose something of interest to keep themselves from losing interest in there project. 10. They didn't fall prey to those who told them they were wasteing there time and money.

I strongly suggest you would dorepparttar 101807 same. After all work should be something you enjoy, not dread. If you can't enjoy what you are doing it will be difficult to motivate yourself to continue on when problems arise.

Have you set your goals yet? Would like an ebook that tells you how? It is based onrepparttar 101808 way most successful people have reached there level of success. It is also based on biblical principals that have led many to fulfilling and carefree lives. It is free to redistribute. Click Link to download:

1.) Lets elborate on "they got started". If income or lack of money is stopping you from getting started, don't let it. There are plenty of web site hosts out there that offer free hosting and free subdomain names. It is a good way to get a feel for what you are doing before you start paying for hosting. The more you learn as you gorepparttar 101809 better off you will be reaching your goals creating a living online.

I have created an ebook that will help you learn all about getting started online for free. If you would like to download this ebook for free just clickrepparttar 101810 link:

2.) Don't get discouraged by mistakes. You've most likely heard that phrase for most of your life! Even if you haven't you will know that is easier said than done. I will give you some suggestions to help you resist discouragement.

Start with keeping your main goal in mind. Use prayer as your main tool for talking with God. Read positive quotes and articles. Keep them posted where you can see them. Keep them in your pocket when your out and about so you can review them.

Don't talk to people about what you are going through who have a negative outlook on life. Instead talk to people who will listen objectively and have overcome seemingly imposible obsticles in there own life.

Sing songs of encouragement. Create a tape or CD of them so you can listen to them when you start feeling down or discuraged.

Just by following these suggestions everyday you will keep a positive outlook on reaching greatness. You will be redirected from discouragement and be able handle problems with alot less stress.

3.) Learn from your mistakes, don't let them rob your vision from you.

Fact is everyone and every company makes mistakes, no matter how big or small they are. The successful ones don't let those mistakes distract them from there objective.

Go over what went wrong look forrepparttar 101811 flaw in your flawless plan. Have someone with an objective opinion reviewrepparttar 101812 mistake and see if they can give you there input. Have several people do it if you can. Evenrepparttar 101813 negative ones. If you haverepparttar 101814 budget, hire a consultant.

4.) Persistance isrepparttar 101815 key in achieving what you want out of life, out of your business, out of your web site, and in reaching your goal. If some one says "no" or things just aren't going as you planned them, remain persistant! Askrepparttar 101816 question agian and agian until you getrepparttar 101817 answer you want, "yes". Keep trying until you getrepparttar 101818 results you were looking for.

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