The Medium is No Longer the Message

Written by David Linberg

The Bubble has burst. They honeymoon is over. The end ofrepparttar innocence. Pick your cliché. Any way you slice it,repparttar 121902 Internet Economy isn't what it used to be.

I prefer to look atrepparttar 121903 progression ofrepparttar 121904 Internet thus far like a three year Summer of Love. Just like that Summer of '67 whenrepparttar 121905 world's attention turned torepparttar 121906 small bohemian district of San Francisco, blind optimism and subsequent overcrowding eventually causedrepparttar 121907 bubble to burst.

Fast-forward thirty plus years intorepparttar 121908 present, and we see that history has a funny habit of repeating itself. Gone arerepparttar 121909 days that companies with no immediate plans for profitability can boast billion dollar valuations. Gone arerepparttar 121910 days where it was OK that your only differentiation was merely being onrepparttar 121911 web. It seemed like it was OK to pay no mind to having a stable business model, a top-notch management team, or providing actual value

But online marketers have sufferedrepparttar 121912 same fate. Just as our clients are forced to invest in justifiable marketing plans, we are challenged with creating them. We have to work better and work smarter to take advantage ofrepparttar 121913 benefitsrepparttar 121914 Internet has to offer to truly provide value to our clients. When things get crazy, it's always best to get back to basics.

Start Withrepparttar 121915 Goal - Target your market with laser-beam precision. Findrepparttar 121916 hunger in your market and establish a realistic goal, in writing.

Create a buzz - This is what viral marketing is all about. Create alliances. Publish articles. Linkswap with similar minded sites. Participate in forums. Hitrepparttar 121917 newsgroups. Start an affiliate plan.

Make Your Customers' Dreams Come True!

Written by Evan Fishe

We all have a dream. Maybe that dream is to find spiritual contentment, or maybe that dream is to have a healthy, happy family. Maybe that dream is just having enough time to play allrepparttar golf you want. Whatever dreams we have, they help dictate who we are and how we act -- especially when it comes to buying.

The most successful salespeople arerepparttar 121901 ones who become "Dream- Brokers" for their customers -- that is, they understand what their customers desire, and find a way to help them achieve it. Business opportunities are a perfect example of how this works. The business opportunities that arerepparttar 121902 most appealing arerepparttar 121903 ones that not only talk aboutrepparttar 121904 money that it can generate, but show how this fits into a customer's dreams.

This process starts withrepparttar 121905 "research" stage -- before you even begin marketing, you need to take some time to understand your audience. What is it that they want? What are their desires and values? The answers to these questions will help you chooserepparttar 121906 best way to present your offer or product.

Then, as you create your marketing, focus on these desires in your writing. Remember that, for most people, money is just a MEANS for getting something else, not an END in itself. If you can show how your offer will helprepparttar 121907 customer get what he or she REALLY wants, you will have a much better chance for a sale. It's amazing how many times I've seen marketing that focused just onrepparttar 121908 money, rather than going deeper.

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