The Marathon Monk

Written by Tony Papajohn

The next time you are having trouble breaking a long-term goal down into bite-size pieces, remember “The Marathon Monk.”

Genshin Fujinami, 44, recently finished a bit of exercise.

Over 7 years, he covered 24,800 miles.

A Buddhist priest ofrepparttar Tendai sect in Japan, “the Marathon Monk” is onlyrepparttar 123028 46th monk since 1885 to complete this ancient running ritual throughrepparttar 123029 Hiei Mountains, a range of 5 peaks that rise above Kyoto.

The ritual dates torepparttar 123030 8th century and is considered a path to enlightenment.

In each ofrepparttar 123031 first 3 years,repparttar 123032 pilgrim rises at midnight for 100 consecutive days, prays, and runs 18 miles, stopping alongrepparttar 123033 way for more prayer 250 times.

Inrepparttar 123034 next 2 years, he extends this regimen to 200 days.

Inrepparttar 123035 winter,repparttar 123036 aspirant gets a break.

Duringrepparttar 123037 5th year, he must spend 9 days chanting without food, water, or sleep.


Written by Robin Mastro

A King was trying to choose between three maidens to be his wife and queen. It was very difficult to judge since these women were all very intelligent and beautiful. He gave each maiden a bag of seeds and told them he was going on a pilgrimage for one year. When he returned, each of them were to giverepparttar seeds back to him. Whoever protectedrepparttar 123027 seedsrepparttar 123028 best would become his wife. The first maiden locked them in a safe to protect them. The second maiden soldrepparttar 123029 seeds atrepparttar 123030 market, thinking she would purchase new seeds whenrepparttar 123031 king returned. The third maiden threwrepparttar 123032 seeds inrepparttar 123033 garden. Whenrepparttar 123034 king returned,repparttar 123035 first maiden pulledrepparttar 123036 seeds fromrepparttar 123037 safe where they had died due to lack of light, water, and air. The second maiden rushed torepparttar 123038 market, purchased new seeds, and presented them torepparttar 123039 king. The King said that althoughrepparttar 123040 seeds were alive, they were notrepparttar 123041 same seeds. The third maiden brought him intorepparttar 123042 garden where there were many flowers blooming. She toldrepparttar 123043 King thatrepparttar 123044 flowers were fromrepparttar 123045 seeds he had given her. The king said torepparttar 123046 third maiden that she would be his wife because she understood that a seed, like love, should be treated with care, tended with kindness and allowed room to grow for it to become strong and beautiful. Relationships, like seeds needrepparttar 123047 proper environment to grow. The environment needs a balance ofrepparttar 123048 five elements. The seed will die if there is too much or too little water, air, light, or earth. Just as a seed needs this balance in life to flourish, we also need proper balance in our homes to create, maintain, and nurture our relationships.


1. Clearrepparttar 123049 energy in your home regularly as a build up of stress and resistance will only inhibit relationships. You can purchase a Vastu CD from Vastu Creations by emailing us at When played regularly, this CD will eliminate negative energy inrepparttar 123050 environment and will benefit all of your relationships.

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