The Major Benefit Of Night Fishing

Written by Daniel Eggertsen

Number One Benefit to Night Fishing

I thinkrepparttar best thing about night fishing is thatrepparttar 105556 conditions are generallyrepparttar 105557 same as day fishing, butrepparttar 105558 results are much better.

Of course one reason that you will get better results is thatrepparttar 105559 nighttime isrepparttar 105560 perfect opportunity to userepparttar 105561 Evening Secret. This technology is based on science and will bring fish to your spot in swarms. (

If you find a good spot whererepparttar 105562 fish are really hitting duringrepparttar 105563 day, you can go to that same spot at night and get even better results!

The fish seem to hit harder at night as well, so it is almost easier to hook them at night than it is duringrepparttar 105564 day, even though it is harder to seerepparttar 105565 line.

Taking Kids for a Hike

Written by Kathy Burns-Millyard

With a little planning and forethought, hiking with children can be a fun and rewarding experience. Hiking is a wonderful way to help them develop a love and respect for nature, stimulate their imagination and encourage them to stay active.

Even Snoopy Hikes: A great way to introduce children torepparttar idea of hiking is through stories featuring their favorite animated characters. Several great children's books about hiking are available: "Curious George Goes Hiking," "Take a Hike Snoopy," "Berenstain Bears Blaze a Trail," and "Sheep Take a Hike," just to name a few. The stories give you an opportunity to talk about expectations before leaving home and give you something to refer to onrepparttar 105555 trail.

Where to Go: Start small children on short trails over easy terrain. In terms of ability, children can cover about 1 mile for every year they are in age. They may not want to hike that far, but they probably haverepparttar 105556 ability to do so. Short attention spans are kept busy on trails occupied with activities alongrepparttar 105557 way (rocks to climb on, water to splash in, etc.). Older children are often motivated byrepparttar 105558 promise of something atrepparttar 105559 end a trail like a scenic vista or waterfall. Don't forget to plan for bathroom breaks and rest stops alongrepparttar 105560 way.

Clothing and Footwear: Ideally, children (like adults) should be prepared for any weather and dressed in layers. They should also have access to suitable rain gear. Properly fitting hiking boots or tennis shoes are a must to avoid sore and tired feet. Leave open-toed shoes at home.

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